What I Wore: Casual and Stripe-y

This was not a look for the office. It’s an experiment at jeans-substitution for a day out and about in our small city. During our mild winter, we have a lot of leeway for non-jeans casual wear!

I do love a stripe, and this long sleeve tee combines two of my favorite colors. And I like a slim-fitting top when I wear a full skirt. This one’s from Tommy Hilfiger, thrifted for just a few dollars at the Daily Bread Thrift Store. I really appreciate what they do for our community, feeding the hungry and providing shelter for the homeless when they can.

I added my leggings for the cooler temps, but I decided to forgo boots/booties for one day. I went with my Ralph Lauren sparkly flats, and felt pretty darn good. I do wonder if the look is a wee bit too young for me, but I did not get arrested, or worse! stared at by the upstanding matrons of our town.

The tee is from Old Navy, and the belt is from GAP

Do you also get the urge to wear non-jeans on your casual days? Would a cotton skirt and leggings fit the bill for you?

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  1. I still haven't fully jumped on the leggings bandwagon. I have young children, and sometimes skirts are just not practical, but this would be such a practical way to rotate some skirts into my everyday wardrobe. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. You look great, I love your outfit. I am not a skirt wearer, not because I don't like them, I just don't think they look good on me.

  3. You have such a youthful figure and this outfit really fits you. If the skirt was shorter it would look better .I also get very casual and wear leggings often esp around the house.

  4. Hi Patty,  You look so darn youthful I'm sure you'd get away wearing far more revealing and daring clothing.  I'm not a huge fan of leggings with skirts, but you carry it off well.
    Hope your weekend is fabulous

  5. OMG, that is so cute! I definitely get the urge to wear non jeans on casual days, and I would love to have more casual, comfortable skirts. I find skirts more flattering on me, in general, and they are often more comfortable because they can fit more loosely around the middle without looking sloppy, in comparison with trousers, which must really be tailored to look right.  Hosiery and footwear are sometimes the challenge with casual skirts, and I love the look you've achieved there! (Perhaps I should add leggings and flats to my wish list…..)

  6. Cotton skirt, leggings and a t-shirt is perfect for a casual day. I'm really liking the combo on you. Definitely not 'to young' for you. The little bit of extra length in the skirt makes it totally age appropriate.

  7. I love wearing skirts and tights/leggings and boots on casual days. I find them way more comfortable than pants a lot of the time, and I especially like them for travel. I would NOT want to wear short or flimsy skirts without tights/leggings, however.
    And yes, you look great and age-appropriate!

  8. You look so cute in that outfit. Definitely not "too young" for you!
    I rarely wear dress/skirts–only occaisonally to church.  Never to work (not a good look on construction sites…lol)
    I'm not too "girly" as it is.

  9. I love the colors in the top; they work very nicely with the skirt.  Count yourself lucky the fit works for you!

    I often find myself drawn to Tommy Hillfiger items because he does denim in cute/novel ways, but his cuts just don't work with my body. The waists are too slim.

    The dipping waistband, plus the stripe makes you look trim and curvy.  For me it would highlight a tummy roll.

  10. Last year I got back into skirts and I am really loving them.  I hope to get a few more at thrift shops this summer.  I love this look with the leggings!  It is exactly the style I have been aiming for lately!  You look great and this is a perfect alternative to jeans!!

  11. I occasionally do wear a skirt on a casual day.  I love this look on you…and the long tee works great with the skirt.  I only wear my leggings around the house…

  12. This is one of my all time favorite looks on you! You are not dressing too young – not one bit! 
    That top has the ideal width of stripe and the colors are great on you. 

    I really like you in ballet flats, by the way. 
    xo, A

  13. of course it's not too young for you, you should definitely go for leggings because you look absolutely chic! I like this clean and subtle look on you, very refreshing! 


  14. no, I think this is a great look for our age! I wore leggings and skirts when I was on vacation every single day and love the casual feel of it! You look adorabs!

  15. Not at all too young. It is a nice change-out, and actually gives you a bit of casual chic! I don't do skirts right now, but may at some point. 

  16. Nope, no urge to wear skirts. I was just talking about that today with a friend of mine. I am not a skirt person. Not saying I won't ever wear one, but I am just more comfy in denim. With all the colored denim available now, it is more fun to wear than ever.
    You do look great ! Very chic. I think that you are much more feminine than I am and just look right in skirts and dresses. That is one seriously cool belt.

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