Wearing Your Favorites All The Time: Visible Monday

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It’s cool today, hooray! We thought a cool breeze might never make it to Florida. It’s a short-lived chill spell, but we’ll make the most of it, including wardrobe choices.

Welcome to Visible Monday. If you want to participate, it’s so easy: just go to the bottom of this post for the how-to. Link back to Not Dead Yet Style if you like – we’re on Easy Does It “rules” now!

You’ve seen this terrific waxed cotton African-print skirt before. I found it in a thrift store in Toronto and it was cheap (maybe $12). Then I needed it taken in, which cost twice as much as the skirt. Must.learn.to.alter. It’s still a great deal and one of my favorites, because it’s unexpected and elegant at the same time.

I think my scrunched-up face looks like Meg Ryan, after all the “bad” plastic surgery she was said to have undergone. I still like her because she starred in many of my favorite movies. : >

The asymmetrical hem sweater is old (five or six years) and I can’t remember where I bought it. Sweaters don’t wear out in the sub-tropics. It’s got gold-tone studs on the shoulders that complement my vintage gold bracelet. The 1970’s pendant is from Citizen Rosebud‘s shop (now on sabbatical).

I am taking your picture!

Kitty swiped my bracelet.

Are you all bundled up, or getting your first cool air? Show us in the link-up.

Now, let’s see what’s in your closet, Visible Women.The guidelines to participate in the Visible Monday Link-Up are so simple:

    1. Whoever wants to can join in! Just compose a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day.
    2. Go to the bottom of this post and click on the InLinkz button “Add Your Link”. It should open a new page.
    3. In the “Next Step”, you crop the pic (easy tool) you want to display, and you’re done!
    4. Visit a few other bloggers, to make new friends and increase your own following.

Oh hey! Not Dead Yet Style is on Instagram! Please check it out when you have a moment: Instagram.

Stay fabulous and wear what you love, xo

Browse these cool pieces:

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  1. That’s a beautiful sweater. I love the details along the shoulders.
    Xx, Nailil

  2. What a fabulous skirt, Patti, and certainly worth the money to get it altered. I’ve done that too, paying more for alterations than for the garment itself. I guess I too must learn to alter 😉 xxx

    • Love your sweater from Poshmark – it’s a wonderful place to shop! Thanks for your kind words, and wishing a happy Thanksgiving to you too. xox

    • thanks Andrea – you’re inspiring us to get some faux leather leggings right now! xox

    • thank you, Debbie. Meg and John together – good luck to those crazy in-love kids. I love, love your pink + mustard look today! xox

    • thank you Kristin, and HT to you too. Your lipstick vid is brilliant! And I’m ordering the winner, thanks! xox

  3. Waxed cotton! Be still my beating heart – my next favourite thing after an indian block print.
    that skirt is utterly fabulous on you, perfect with that blue top and your beautiful face (no need for weird facelifts and Botox with your natural beauty!) xxx

    • Thank you for those lovely comments, Vix. I really got a color and style lift from your post, esp the gold print dress! xox

  4. Oh, my, Patti, I adore that skirt! I’m so glad someone is giving it some love and it has a happy home after being in the thrift store ;).

  5. Your skirt is fantastic! I do hate it when the alterations cost more than the item but this skirt looks to be worth every penny! I am a huge Meg Ryan fan, I loved every movie she was in! You do resemble her Patti!!!

    • Thanks, Kellyann! I know you and I share the weather, and I love your layered look with boots, xox.

  6. lovely outfit! and lovely Meg Ryan vibe too! ;DDD
    I love your african print skirt, and totally agree that it’s both unexpected and elegant, which is doubled fabulousness!. Gorgeous!

  7. Yes, you do look like Meg Ryan! Just as cute. And the skirt was quite a bargain, and it’s beautiful, and worth having it altered. You look very relaxed and cool. BTW, what is ‘cool’ weather in Florida?

    • thank you Tiina, for your kind words. And LOL, our definitions of “cool” will never match: it’s cool here at below 70 degrees F! xox

  8. You do look like Meg Ryan! I love her movies!
    Loving that you’re living in your favourites, Patti!

    Thank you as always for hosting!

  9. Patti, that outfit is VERY cute–and totally you!! And yes, I do see Meg Ryan, who I also love!!
    Thanks for sponsoring the Link Up and sharing your unique style.
    xx Darlene

  10. Ha! You do look like Meg Ryan — but I think she’s adorable and so are you. This outfit is too cute. Love the asymmetrical hem.

    • Yeah, I miss her too – she could still be making warm and funny films. LOL at the butt pic – you and Ally alone know from the fitting room that this skirt creates good butt. xoxo

    • Thanks, dear Cherie. I am in love with your white booties and think I’d like to find some! xox

    • thank you so much, Elle. I love your post today, your gorgeous boots and your shout-outs to Housing Works and Suzanne Carillo’s shop! xox

  11. I am SO glad I had my mom teach me some altering, Patti. Needless to say, there is much to learn on YouTube also, but it’s made shopping feel so much better because I know I can get it to fit.

    • Thanks Jodie! You three look smart today in your stripes, plus a bit of animal print and floral, xox.

  12. I LOVE this outfit Patti. Still too warm for sweaters in my neck of Florida. That skirt is to live for and the entire look is stunning. Yes, you do resemble Meg Ryan in this pic. 🙂 Blessing upon you and family in this Thanksgiving week.

    • Thank you Dawn Lucy! I love your candy-striped lounging pj’s and your furry friends, xox.

  13. LOL! Even before I read your copy, I though of Meg Ryan when I saw your first picture! I like her, too, and you and your outfit look fantastic. : )

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