Visible Monday #92: A Blue Mood

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I’ve been wanting to jump on the chambray shirt bandwagon. I’m not much of a cowgirl/western wear kind of woman but I love the faded color and soft hand. This shirt, purchased at Ross, suits me just right.

Staying true to blue, I paired my new shirt with my cobalt pencil skirt (fab vintage one on Etsy here) and a blue print hair scarf. Some neutral accessories finish the look. Those are my yummy Poetic Licence Open for Business shoes, that are soon to be retired for the summer.

Full health disclosure: this pic was taken soon after the battle with the wretched
Stomach Flu. As you can see from my wan smile, the flu nearly won.
How do you style your chambray shirts? Would double-denim be a yes?

Oh hey! Not Dead Yet Style has a Facebook page now! Please check it out when you have a moment: Facebook Page.

Now, let’s see what you’re wearing, Visible Women!!

The guidelines to participate in the Visible Monday Link-Up are so simple!

  1. Whoever wants to can join in! Just compose a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day.
  2. Include a link to Not Dead Yet Style somewhere in your post.
  3. Go to the bottom of this post and click on this cute little link:

In the “Next Step”, you crop the pic (easy tool) you want to display, and you’re done!


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  1. Hey Patti! You work this chambray so well … as usual, I'm impressed. Sure is a good color with your fairness, and the whole outfit flatters! Thanks for hosting, again, and apologies for being late. If this were a real-time party, I'd be bringing you a really good bottle of wine!

  2. Hi Patti, I am new on your blog and liked up to Visible Monday as well (No Fear of Fashion). Quite a gathering, I must say.
    As for denim… it looks very nice on you, but makes me look terrible. At least near my face. Jeans however…are my kind of thing.

  3. Blue is a beautiful color on you, Patti. Plus, I am quite taken with the scarf in your hair. Sorry to hear that you've been ill and hope that you have been restored to perfect health.

  4. You would look good wearing anything! Thank you for hosting this fun event ~

  5. You look like a double-denim dynamo and not someone recovering from the flu. Wow! Visible Monday has reached over 100 participants. Thanks again for hosting.

  6. Glad you are feeling better. I love the Chambray on you and the scarf in your hair. Those poetic licence shoes are to cute. Congratulations on being selected in the top 8 over 40 blogs on IFB. Well deserved my friend.

  7. I think you beat the flu with glorious blue. I love wearing blue; it's my absolute fave color. This outfit is so timeless yet modern, just like you. Sometimes I think about what Patti would do when I'm pondering my small, yet confusing closet.

  8. I adore my Chambray shirts. I say that because I wear them so much, I needed a few. I love your outfit and I am slowly coming along to double denim.


  9. You are getting prettier and prettier and i'm getiting crazier and crazier! hahaha!

  10. A slightly darker chambray shirt is part of my wardrobe too and usually I pair it with black as I like the contrast or with white in summer.
    Your all in blue is very chic, too. Love your cute hairband!

    Lady of Style

  11. Sorry to hear you've been feeling blue, but you sure look good in it! Don't have any, so can't tell you how I wear 'em. Love your shoes too.

  12. Love your blue outfit – chambray is one of my favourite shirts – you look great!

  13. You look very gorgeous in those beautiful blues! Sorry to read about the flu, get well soon my dear!

  14. The chambray looks so fresh on you. Great. Sorry to hear you haven't been well. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  15. You look lovely and I wouldn't be able to tell that you had been ill. The blue sets off your skin and hair so nicely! I hope you are recovered from the flu now. I love chambray but currently don't have any – and yes I admit I do double denim (denim jacket and jeans) out of laziness more than anything else!

  16. Love this look! I have two chambray shirts and I wear them all the time. Love how you paired it with the cobalt pencil skirt.

  17. Great look Patti! I was on the fence on it for sometime too but now find that it's a great shirt to wear to work or the weekend. Love how you added the scarf to her hair to bring it all together!


  18. I'm a huge chambray and denim shirt fan! I love your whole look and I'd wear it all in a heartbeat! I'm so glad you survived the flu….it sounds miserable!! Hugs to you sweet friend!! Serene

  19. Yes yes yes! Chambray is wonderful (and to drive that point home, you can see I'm also wearing a denim chambray shirt, too). I can't believe you were ever on the fence about this…it's just so dang versatile. I reluctantly admit that I wore my chambray shirt no less than 3 days in a row last week, and then switched to another chambray shirt I own for the 4th day. Kinda gross, but pretty stylish πŸ˜‰


  20. You certainly don't look ill, you poor love. That pale shade of denim's always a flattering colour when you're feeling below par, I swear by my denim waistcoat for that very reason. x

  21. Blue really works on you! I love a chambray shirt. I wear an oversized one with a khaki skirt for travelling a lot to hot climates. I also like to pair it with a wild print on the bottom, to kind of balance-out the crazy. It is one of the most versatile items of clothing ever!

  22. Hi Patti- I love cobalt blue and this look is lovely- a perfect way to wear your chambray shirt! I just did a post on my Live To Love Denim blog about Rihanna doing double denim in her pencil skirt too! have a great week ahead x Sharon

  23. Funny, I just bought a powder blue shirt in Etsy. I love the colour; it's so very spring-like! Your mixing of blues is pretty too. Hope you're on the mend from the flu! xo

  24. You look Great Patti. I like how you mixed your blues. Awesome Pencil Skirt & I love the light color of your Chambray. I always like how you tie those scarves in your hair, as headbands, too.

    Have a Lovely Monday, Ada =)

  25. The shirt looks as if it is comfortable to wear. I love your monochrome blue look especially the hair scarf. To do not prefer wearing demin with denim but denim with other blue colors.

  26. LOVE the blues here. Looks so so pretty on you. That shape and fit of that skirt is fabulous.

  27. You did a great job of faking that smile, so sorry about the flu. You're going to love having that chambray shirt. Mine is my favorite staple, I wear it under floral prints of every kind (cardigans, blouses, dresses) it just tones it down to the perfect degree. I also wear it withh about every blazer I own. It's seriously my #1 favorite shirt. I have never worn it with cobalt blue, but now I'm going to give it a try, I love how you accessorized with the leather belt, simple yet perfect.

  28. You poor thing – the flu has been so nasty this year! You don't look bad at all, so I think you must have knocked the flu on its ass.

    Chambray shirts are so comfortable, both to look at and to wear. I would probably stick to jeans if I had one, but it looks pretty good with a skirt. Way to think outside the box, Patti!

  29. Patti, this looks great together! I haven't been to your blog but I was looking and you are looking quite sassy and NOT DEAD at all. I love watching all of this! xoxox

  30. Oh eeek stomach flu is horrible, you poor thing! My one and only chambray shirt was a 1970s baby-soft chambray with pointed collar tips and mother of pearl snaps. I wore it until it shredded from love. xo

  31. You look great! Love the blue skirt. The one on Etsy is nice, too. BUT, 25 inch waist ain't happening! lolzzzz There is a stomach bug going around. EVERYONE has it! Hope you feel better.
    Becky πŸ™‚

  32. A great chambray shirt is so hard to find! I have one but I don't love it. Yours looks great on you and I can't believe you found it at Ross!
    You don't look sick at all…but I am still sorry you had to suffer through the stomach flu. No fun at all!

  33. I have a blue chambray shirt but it doesn't fit loosely so have been searching on line for the 'perfect' one and nothing seems to fit the bill. That one looks perfect on you!

  34. You look beautiful in blue–nifty shoes and fun scarf in your hair!

  35. Blue is SUCH a great colour on you, Patti! That cobalt skirt has been a great buy, and with the chambray shirt and beautiful scarf in your hair, you look lovely – not ill at all!

  36. Oh I say yes to the double denim, in fact I think I once tripled it with denim wedges! You look great in blue & glad to hear you beat the flu….it is brutal this year.

  37. Love the combinations of blue you styled here… These colors look wonderful and light you Up!!!

  38. I love double-denim, as long as the two pieces are different colours (like red or white or dark blue denim). This is a great outfit!

  39. Patti, I love how you've mixed the chambray with a very modern looking piece. The blues are all so pretty together!

  40. Yes and Yes! Denim on denim works great using both a dark and a light piece. I think you look really good in that casual chambray…despite your illness!

  41. thanks again , patti for visible monday, it's such a nice way to start the week. you know i never heard of a chambray shirt. so i have learned something new. the outfit is very nice . you always look so classic. enjoy your day i hope the weather is lovely. love lucyx

  42. You look great in chambray and if you hadn't told us I never would've guessed you had been ill. I think the pale blue of the shirt gives your lovely skin a nice glow and I love that skirt! I don't do chambray because I think it's too pale and unstructured for me. Thanks for hosting VM πŸ˜‰

    Spashionista (Alicia)

  43. This Chambray style looks great on you – Ive always struggled to find a chambray shirt to wear that I feel happy in!

  44. You look beautiful Patti…blue is your color! You have been rocking the styles lately!! Just gorgeous!

  45. Fabulous blue on blue! Etsy have some nice stuff and I can spend hours browsing the vintage section! Got myself some nice dresses from there, vintage of course!

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