Visible Monday #44: 1980’s Revival

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I just wrote about how much fun it’s been to thumb through issues of Vogue from the 1980’s. In keeping with that theme, I chose a dress that harkens back to that lively era.

This Leslie Fay dress was thrifted for a few dollars. I think I owned it in 1989 too! I took out the shoulder pads, although you can still see they were there. I do like the muted floral print and the slim, uncluttered lines of the dress.

I added just some black leggings, a studded belt and my Impo shooties, for a retro-but-not-costume look. I don’t think I’ll wear this dress much, but it was an enjoyable revival and I felt very Visible.

In the actual 80’s, I would have worn pale pantyhose and
conservative black pumps. Boring!
Experimenting with the decades — it’s a lot of fun.

Now, let’s see what you’re wearing!!

The guidelines to participate in the Visible Monday Link-Up are so simple!

  1. Any Monday, whoever wants to can join in! Just compose a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day.
  2. Include a link to Not Dead Yet Style somewhere in your post.
  3. Go to the bottom of this post and click on this cute little link:

In the “Next Step”, you crop the pic (easy tool) you want to display, and you’re done!


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  1. The 1980's were great weren't they? Dallas, Falcon Crest, The Love Boat, Madonna, Adam Ant and bobby socks with pumps (my favorite).
    That dress actually looks like you just bought if off the rack at some department store. Who would know it's from 1989! Amazing!

  2. Oh yes, love it with the leggings and booties. I find it so hard to update things I remember wearing from past decades. I tend to reach farther back, dressing more like my grandma might have, with a twist. But you give me inspiration!

  3. The line of this dress and the color look beautiful on you!  Thank you for Visible Monday and all that you do for the blogging community.  You are a powerful connector.

  4. The dress is timeless, probably because you took out the shoulder pads! I agree, I love that pretty muted floral print. You are visible! You look fabulous!

  5. Thank you for a wonderful blog!!  I get great ideas every time I visit.  -Marci

  6.  Thanks so much Megan, I didn' t notice. I 'd never send out crappy crap like that!

  7. relatively new reader, first time commenter.  i say shorten the length, roll up the sleeves, put a tank underneath, throw on some flats or flip flops and you'll be wanting to wear this more than not.  imho, that is. 

  8. I love clothes from the '80s! I was only a few years old in the 80's, so I missed out on some of the horribly awesome styles like sideways ponytails and gigantic shoulder pads, but there are other styles that I'll gladly buy from thrift stores and wear now, like oversized sweaters and neon t-shirts.

  9. You do easy, pretty femininity so well- whatever the decade!

    Thanks for hosting this wonderful link up. I've missed the last few weeks. Somehow, I inadvertently became an 'I don't DO Mondays" person. I'm trying to reform. And showing up for Visible Mondays is part of my motivation.

  10. Your leggings and shooties are the perfect finish to a very pretty dress, Patti – they give it the right amount of "edge"!

    Catherine x

  11. I vividly remember wearing dresses very much like that back in the day. Much better without the shoulder pads and jazzed up with leggings and cool shoes.

    As always, thanks!

  12. (BTW Patti, you may want to consider changing your twitter password.. not sure if the weightloss related tweets have been spam.. I've just seen them from a couple other tweet buddies and it seemed like phishing to me)

  13. I do agree it looks much better with those leggings and the dress looks good on you! You look lovely, Patti!

  14. Looks lovely, Patti.  x-nay the hose for sure.  Leggings give it that extra kick and socks would look cool with it too I think!

  15. Hi Patti!

    You did an excellent job with your 80 dress, very pretty, just enough details so it is updated!

    I linked up this week! yeah!


  16. Patti I think this dress is a perfect example of what you were saying in your 80s post: some of the styles translate perfectly into any decade. The slim shape of the dress and the shirt front have been popular in almost every era. I don't see any hints of the 80s in your look today. The color and style suits you very well and I love it with the leggings!

  17. I just love this dress.  I will keep my eye out for something similar next time I go thrifting.  You're really working it.

  18. I love that dress and also the way you've funked it up with the leggings. I too had a dress like that in 1989 (SO wish I had hung onto it as I'm really digging that style again) – though it's a look I associate more with the 1990s (I call it the 'Phoebe from "Friends"' look or 'Granny-Annie Chic'). 🙂

  19. oh yes, I love the shoulder pads, I like the 80's chic style. It's nice that you teamed the tights with this dress, it adds pizzaz to the whole outfit.  And the boots gives you the slim and leggy look.

  20. Patti, the dress is lovely. I love floral patterns. Thank you for hosting the party!

  21. I'm sure I had a dress almost exactly like it too! I would have worn mine with white Leggs nylons (lol) and some navy blue Nickels shoes. 😉

  22. Boy, I must get to bed.  I meant the long tunics and leggings and leggings with dresses are so in now.  

  23. Hey it's been a while, busy with work and church. Hope you are doing well.  The long tunics and dresses with tunics are so in now. This look really elongates the body.

  24. I actually love this look!  I know you said you won't wear it too much, but I think it's great in this modern interpretation.  I might have to find my own version (thrifted, of course!).

  25. I had to laugh–as today, I actually had the grandson snap photos of two looks from the 80s, with the shoulder pads still in!  I love the leggings with the tiny print of the dress.

  26. That's a really pretty dress.  Is it hot?

    I had a Leslie Fay dress some years ago that I bought from Ross or Marshall's and it's one drawback was that it was a heavy polyester material.  It had lovely colors but if the temperature got above 70 degrees it was like wearing a plastic bag.  I think today's polyesters are improved, a bit more porus and breezier!

  27. I think Leslie Faye is actually pretty underrated.  Girl came out with some FABULOUS prints!  As your dress is a testament to!  LOVE it and I really love how you styled it.  Hugs girly!  ~Serene

  28. That dress is so pretty on you. I wish i had some of my clothes from 1986ish

  29. Love the Leggings with it so much better than hose!  It really brings to look into today!  Great Job, Patti!!

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