Seeing the Bright Lights, Big City

Just a quick post to say Happy Memorial Day, and share a couple of pics.

We’re wrapping ourselves in the sounds, sights and smells of our favorite city, walking our feet sore, and loving every minute.

We’re staying in the West Village again. Here we can find everything we need/want and more, like a rest in a scenic little park.

It’s about 70 degrees today, perfect for skinnies and a long-sleeve top.

Our “big trip” of the day was to Brooklyn Heights and DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Underpass), These are vibrant Brooklyn ‘hoods we’ve been considering as alternatives to Manhattan. We loved it there – spectacular views down by the waterfront – but still feel most at home here in the Village.

Lower Manhattan – see the Freedom Tower? – as seen from Brooklyn Heights
Here you are, really Down Under the Manhattan Bridge!

Hope your day was fab,

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  2. Oh that looks so mch fun Patti! I would love to visit NYC, it is on my list 🙂 Look forward to hearing more – and I agree with Megan Mae, I want to hear about the food too, please!

  3. Have a great time in the Big Apple! You look great in your scarf and sweater ensemble. Very springy!

  4. Coincidence! My friends and I literally just made plans to visit a beer garden in DUMBO yesterday. Looks like you're having a great time! I hope your trip continues to be wonderful!

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  5. I love New York so much. Enjoy, dear Patti

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