Seasonal Shopping: For Ourselves, Not For The Rules

Seasonal shopping: for ourselves, not for the rules. I have been envious of women (usually fictional or famous women) in magazine spreads who purchase their seasonal wardrobes all at a swoop. They are quoted saying things like “I divide my annual clothing budget, and spend half on my fall/winter wardrobe, and half on my spring/summer.” I feel rather inadequate as I contemplate my seasonal shopping plan, which sounds more like this:

  • I want that white blazer Sherry is wearing!
  • If it ever gets cold here, I can justify a nice gray merino cardigan.
  • Hmmmm – holes in all my tights, must replace.
  • I want those boots in Suzanne’s shop!
  • I’m bored – what’s on sale at Poshmark?
  • Thrift store is open!!
  • Etc.

Despite the above mental chaos, I don’t have a haphazard wardrobe. I have a beloved, if smallish, collection of skirts and modern, feminine tops. I have good jeans and tees, a couple of pairs of leather boots that I love, and beloved high-top Chucks. A couple of bracelets and necklaces, a classic belt and a few funky versions, and about six scarves. I have two or three nice-looking handbags at any given time.

So, living in a region with just two seasons — hot (eight months), and pleasantly cool — I don’t need to do a lot of seasonal shopping. But hey, I’m a blogger, I read fashion magazines, I am seduced by the “You Need New Clothes for Fall!” meme. I also try to stay on trend, without going crazy. So I will dabble, I am sure with some new fall clothes, because it’s September, and that’s what I do.

I’m looking at a “chore” jacket in organic cotton even though six months ago I was sure I wouldn’t. Style evolves, right? I like this; I’d wear it with slim trousers and booties or sneakers:

Love the warm color; it also comes in deep blue. From Quince.

I might want to upgrade my two wool sweaters, because that’s all one really needs for warmth in Florida winters, most years. This cashmere sweater (also) from Quince look perfect to me, and the color is rich:

Also comes in black and ivory.

And maybe a fab 60’s/70’s throwback dress, in a Pucci style print (always in style):

From Suzanne’s Etsy shop.

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”

Albert Camus

Note: I choose shopping links because they are representative of what I love. I often look for less-expensive alternatives, on sale, at consignment stores and at thrifts. I do occasionally splurge too!

Do you have a seasonal wardrobe budget? Or are you more random, like me? Do you just shop year-round for what you need/love?

Stay fabulous, xo

Wear what you love, always. Here are some goodies to browse:


Please be aware that links to vendors may be affiliate links. I may benefit from your purchases through the links on the blog. Header image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.

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  1. Thanks so much for the shout-outs Patti!

    You have such a well developed sense of personal style that is environmentally conscious. That is a rare gift my friend.


  2. Hi! I’ve never had a budget for clothing. To be honest, I’ve never set aside money for clothing. I never even gave it a thought. I don’t really care how other people shop or divide their money, or have a budget. It doesn’t bother me not to do that. When I need something or want something I buy the “need” and I think about the “want” for awhile. I have so many clothes from the year before, and I only like certain styles. So when I go shopping I wind up looking at the same styles I already own. I do get rid of certain things every year if they are worn looking or I’m sick of them but they don’t seem to go out of style because I like classic styles mostly. I like that chore jacket you like. I might order one. I do need a jacket for Fall. Living in New Jersey requires warm clothing for Fall and Winter. .

    • Good morning Arlene, my New Jersey friend! Sounds like you are a smart, practical shopper and not driven by marketing. You must have a wardrobe you’re happy with, and yeah, be sure to get those sweaters ready for NJ Autumn : > Stay well and safe, xx.

  3. We’re fortunate to have four relatively distinct seasons here, so I get to have fun with them. I divided my closet up into fall/winter and spring/summer years ago, so that I could have more clothes (me being a maximalist, lol). I love looking forward to each season and really enjoying the clothes I only wear at certain times of the year. I add and subtract to it all the time, as my tastes, style and body shift around. We’re never the same person year in and year out, so changing up my clothes is a reminder to reflect on myself.

    • Hello fabulous Sheila and thanks for coming by. I love what you said: that we are always changing. And though you are a maximalist, you are the MOST organized one I’ve ever known. Rock on and stay safe, xx.

  4. I am the opposite of you: I live in Calgary, Canada, and there is snow here for a good eight months, including a few months that it is REALLY REALLY REALLY cold, then a couple of months that are kind of nice, and maybe a few weeks of hot weather. So, I have a lot of sweaters. I basically buy things I want when the need arises, but seasonal shopping? No. Now, I do get excited if it finally gets warm, because that means I can change out of sweaters and boots, but I don’t go too crazy!

    • LOL, Nicole, we are wardrobe opposites! It’s exciting here when I can pull on a sweater : > Instead of sweaters I have a lot of tank tops. But Calgary is beautiful, and I hope you have a warm fireplace. Thanks for coming over and stay well, xx.

  5. Great enjoyable post as always thank you for taking the time to send it .A cashmere sweater from Quince is definately going on my wish list to buy Merci beaucoup for researching and sharing such a lovely buy for us. I have been really liking navy lately and the bordeaux one is also beautiful. I have adopted what magazines and you tube state is the french style of dressing advice of developing a personal style you like creatively styling clothes you already own and adding a few quality elegant classics like your sweaters and not be influenced by trends .Being retired I have lots of fun time to browse sales and often buy off season classic sale items .Right now I am so looking forward for the weather to become cooler so I can wear several lovely sale winter appropriate items I purchased at the start of summer.

    • Hi Joan, always good to see you. You’re wise to shop the off-season sales, and to not pay much attention to trends! Stay stylish and safe, xx.

    • Hi Tami and thanks for coming by. Nothing like a soft cashmere sweater for Fall (except in Florida : >). Stay fab, xx

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