Old Hippies Rule: Visible Monday

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I adore a long wrap skirt. I wore them the first time, back in the late 60’s and early 70’s, and I still love wearing them. Old hippies never die, we just tie our waists a little looser. While out shopping with Ally and Suzanne in Toronto, we found a whole outdoor rack of these fabulous skirts. It was difficult to buy one and leave the rest behind, but this one wooed me best.

Always room in my closet for a hippie skirt :

Welcome to Visible Monday. If you want to participate, it’s so easy: just go to the bottom of this post for the how-to. Please be kind and leave a link to Not Dead Yet Style in your post.

There’s no maker’s mark, and it may be a modern skirt with a vintage look and feel. It’s a true wrap, the best kind. The black cotton top is by Nygard, and it has wonderful topstiching below the waist. I like my “basic” tops to have a touch of personality. I found this one (similar) while thrifting with Suzanne, and did a happy dance at the $5 price tag. Gorgeous beaded necklace by Suzanne Carillo, thrifted emerald bracelet (sim), and ankle-strap sandals (sim) finish off my summer outfit.



I really blend with the scenery! Secret agent blogger.



My black bead necklace, crafted by Suzanne, is one of my new favorites.


The guidelines to participate in the Visible Monday Link-Up are so simple:

    1. Whoever wants to can join in! Just compose a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day.
    2. Include a link to Not Dead Yet Style somewhere in your post.
    3. Go to the bottom of this post and click on the InLinkz button “Add Your Link”. It should open a new page.
    4. In the “Next Step”, you crop the pic (easy tool) you want to display, and you’re done!


Oh hey! Not Dead Yet Style is on Instagram! Please check it out when you have a moment: Instagram.

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  1. This is a wonderful skirt and top combo Patti. And all the better for being a great thifting bargain. Your necklace is fab and what a versatile piece at that length. I loved reading about your meet up on Suzanne’s blog – sounds like you had such fun x

  2. OOOO, I love wrap skirts. And the print on that one is gorgeous. Like your pretty new necklace too! You gals must have had so much fun shopping together.

  3. Although it is a long wrap skirt, I think you have lifted this outfit to 2016. It is not really hippie to me (I wore long skirts too in the seventies).
    Hreat outfit. Very elegant. Looking good. All items are just excellent. Congratulations on your new necklace and new (vintage) finds.

  4. I used to wear wrap skirts (mid calf) all the time and then I just stopped. And I don’t even know why 🙂 you might have just resuscitated my interest in them, Patti 🙂 and please, do stop by and join my Project Sister Act Link-Up if you have a second? You were one of my pioneer guests so it only makes sense xoxo

  5. From one old hippy to another – you look absolutely wonderful, I’d steal that skirt off you in a heartbeat. xxx

  6. Love that you were able to meet up with other bloggers! Isn’t it nice to be part of such a community? I love your “secret agent blogger” comment! Thanks for the smile you put on my face!

  7. I love every piece you are wearing today, especially the skirt and necklace. And YESSS for joining Instagram. =)

  8. Such a cute skirt! I haven’t worn a wrap skirt in years. I agree, the true wraps are the best. Have a great week.

  9. Beautiful skirt! I’ve been digging out a few of my maxi skirts, even though it’s not really the weather for them here in the UK – one minute sunny, the next raining. I did manage to wear one last week and take some photos for the blog but it’s back to jeans now!

    Emma xxx

  10. You wear this style wonderfully. Your skirt was a fab find and such a deal! The black is a perfect background for the emerald necklace.

  11. I’m having a bit of a love affair with long skirts at the moment, so this is right up my street. Love the colours on you Patti.

    Thank you for hosting.

    Michelle xx

  12. Sorry, Patti. You can never be a secret agent. You stand out too much to go under cover. Excellent skirt. And those $5 price tags definitely make our hearts beat just a touch faster. AND, that’s $5 Canadian, right? Score. Thanks for the linkup!

  13. You look wonderful, Patti! What a gorgeous skirt! I am a fan of the old patterned long skirts – I must wear one this week! Will be back shortly with my entry for “Visible Monday” – thank you so much for hosting.

  14. Aren’t they gorgeous! I love a wrap skirt too. They work really well with the gladiators. Well done on your finds. It looks like you had a fabulous time in Toronto! Thanks so much for hosting (and your lovely comment back – thanks) Have a magnificent week! xx

  15. Love to see this on you along with the necklace. Nothing makes me happier than seeing people wear the pieces I make for them.

    This is a full on Canadian outfit! : )

    True hippie chic.


  16. I love the look of the two-tiered skirt that you’ve featured, Patti, but unfortunately It’s just not the weather for a lovely hippie skirt here in Blighty at the moment – a soggy wet hem does to a good look make! All your participants look so nice and summery, but I am ‘visible’ in wellington boots!

  17. You look SO at home in that skirt; it is really made for you. I agree with Catherine, it is so lovely to see you in the sunshine! Enjoy it! Thank you for hosting xxx

  18. Hehe “Old hippies never die, we just tie our waists a little looser” – love that, Patti!! This style skirt suits you so well, and it’s so nice to see you outside in your photos, I love seeing all that sunshine!

    Thank you for hosting, hope you have a fabulous week 🙂

    Catherine x

  19. Great skirt! I love the colors and the print! A long, loose skirt is so great for summer! The top goes perfectly with it! Glad you found some great pieces while shopping with Ally and Suzanne!

  20. What a fantastic skirt!! My closet always has room for a long, flowing skirt that is timeless as well!! How beautiful you look; rested and elegant and ready to tackle the week ahead!!

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