Loss, Goodbyes, Lessons

The husband of a friend died suddenly this week, at an age I (now) consider young. I didn’t know John especially well; he was mostly “Laura’s husband.” But every time I saw him he was full of kindness and grace. He always seemed the definition of a gentleman. He beamed with pride whenever his wife, the more extroverted of the two, took the public stage. The kind of man that would never sit while a woman stood. His passing is certainly a crushing loss to his beautiful, spirited wife and his family, and to all who had the pleasure to truly know him.

This has nothing to do with fashion. In fact, it makes me cringe a bit at the title of my blog. But while I grieve with my friend, I renew my commitment to live while I’m alive! All of us: we’re not promised a certain length of years. Whatever inspires us, let’s do it. Spread some joy today, major in the majors, enjoy your sandwich, say I love you, and wear your favorite dress.

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  1. Aw, I'm very sorry for the loss of your friend. I like the title of your blog – it's defiant in the face of death! And even though death is often unexpected, it can serve to remind us how very dear life and friends can be.


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