Know Your Core Style: Visible Monday

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If you have a fairly casual lifestyle, like I do, you probably rely on simple formulas for getting dressed. If you’re over 40, you know yourself pretty well, and recognize which pieces, shapes, and colors make you feel your best. Whether you have analyzed it in a formal fashion or used your own inner wisdom, you likely are familiar with your core style.

Welcome to Visible Monday. If you want to participate, it’s so easy: just go to the bottom of this post for the how-to. Link back to Not Dead Yet Style if you like – we’re on Easy Does It “rules” now!

I know how I like to dress on a daily basis. True confessions: I sometimes dress-up nicer for Visible Monday pictures than I do on other days of the week. I guess I want to impress you all 🙂 What I’m wearing here is a typical any-day look, for Florida Spring, Summer, and Fall. The sheer red print top (similar) was thrifted in St. Petersburg, at the Revolve consignment store. The jeans (sim) are from who-knows-where. The indispensable walking sandals (sim) are by Naturalizer.


core style

This is a core style for me: loose and pretty top over boyfriend jeans. A cuff bracelet and/or colorful pendant would dress the look up nicely. Fuzzy hair is also part of the core, and makes any look a little more Boho and free.


Now, let’s see what’s in your closet, Visible Women.

The guidelines to participate in the Visible Monday Link-Up are so simple:

    1. Whoever wants to can join in! Just compose a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day.
    2. Go to the bottom of this post and click on the InLinkz button “Add Your Link”. It should open a new page.
    3. In the “Next Step”, you crop the pic (easy tool) you want to display, and you’re done!
    4. Visit a few other bloggers, to make new friends and increase your own following.


Oh hey! Not Dead Yet Style is on Instagram! Please check it out when you have a moment: Instagram.

Stay fabulous,


Here are some pieces that play well with my core style:

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  1. I would have been surprised if you hadn’t touted the boho vibe here. That little red print is very cute on you. There’s something perfect zbou red with anything denim I think!

  2. I love that you wear what you like and that you like bright colors! You always look lovely. I love dressing up when I go out and explore, it makes our day trips more special. And it’s fun to actually create outfits, come up with something new. When I am at home, I don’t wear jewelry, hats or shoes. I like to stay comfortable and wear dresses that are easy. Or even PJs. 🙂 But that wouldn’t be especially exciting to share. 🙂

  3. Hey Patti,
    That’s not you live now is it? How are you doing? What are you wearing for real these days. And how is your core self? I bet you’re still cute, even if you don’t feel it.

    • Hi Pao, no this is not a current picture. It’s from three weeks ago, before the Big Wrist Event. I didn’t think you all wanted to see me in my tank tops and gym shorts. 🙂
      Thanks for linking up.

  4. Great color on you Patti! Yes, core style is all about feeling comfortable in ourselves and what we wear. I love color.. and certainly dont dress up all of the time.. casual for days at home. Great looking jeans too. BF jeans are my fav.
    have a great week Patti!
    jess xx
    PS. I should have pics from the total eclipse on Friday’s post. It was great!

  5. I like your core style, Patti. Relaxed and breezy. For me it’s patterned oversized men’s button-downs with bell bottom stretch pants in a variety of colours and/or patterns. Not too different than my blog photos, although my hair can be a bit more droopy. And I don’t wear lipstick at home.

  6. Don’t think this style is worth less than your dress-up style. I love it. This is so my choice. Your fuzzy hair is something I envy. Is your arm getting better?
    Looking very good dear.

  7. I can be found in cut off jeans and a tee most of the time when I’m at home or walking the dog : )

    Love the bold colour and pattern on the top.


  8. Gorgeous in red, Patti! I always dress in vintage clothes but on non blogging days I rarely bother to comb my hair! xxx

    • It’s a great place – more for the younger women, but still plenty for the over-40’s. xo

  9. I definitely put the “dressier” outfits on the blog… 😉 And I agree with you that it’s important to know what makes us feel our best. I also often wear jeans and usually try to dress the outfit up with some fun accessories.

    Have a great week, Patti!

  10. I’m amazed you wear jeans at all in Florida and don’t live in shorts or skirts. Cute casual look! LOVE that top!

  11. Getting dressed is wonderful once you have found your core style. I love your top and sandals, and wish I could do casual as well as you do. I only found my core style when I turned 50, and now it’s vintage dresses almost every day for me! xxx

  12. You are wearing my Florida winter outfit! I can’t wear jeans in the summer. I like your blog because it’s warm weather/casueal focused.

  13. Thank goodness for my blog otherwise I probably wouldn’t get as nicely dressed for when we go out… Or maybe I would? I don’t know anymore!!

    Love the casual vibe on you Patti – still looking fab! Thank you for hosting 🙂

    Catherine x

  14. Love you in red!!! Pretty pretty print top, such a sweet vibe!

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