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Even though I am a mostly skirts-and-dresses woman, I do own a few pair of “good” trousers. A classic, or slightly offbeat, pair of black trousers will serve well on so many occasions, even just as a change of pace from my usual style.

Thrifted trousers, a chambray shirt and old familiar black booties – they add up to a casual-chic look.
These trousers were a super thrift score in NYC. They’re by AllSaints, a high-end brand, and they have all the quality details you expect. I love the satin waistband, the chic pleats, and slightly cropped length. These trousers look great with a simple white tee, a silk blouse, or, like here, a classic chambray shirt (sim). My black bead necklace was created by super jewelry artist Suzanne Carillo.
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Women shouldn’t have to follow a set of rules once they reach a certain age. However, the over-40 woman does develop the confidence to refine her own personal style and that’s what My Refined Style is all about!
This monthly Linkup goes live on the first Thursday (12:00am ET) of every month on six blogs and runs for one week.
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Elegantly Dressed And Stylish
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Fashion Should Be Fun – Style Over 40
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This is much harder than it may sound. It can take a lot of thought and consideration to find out specifically what you want.
By taking the right steps, your process of deciding on a goal can get much easier.
Lovely look! Happy weekend! 🙂
You always look fabulous in dresses, Patti, but I really love this look on you!
thank you Andrea! xo