In The West Village: My Refined Style

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My Refined Style Fashion Over 40 Linkup

Women shouldn’t have to follow a set of rules once they reach a certain age. However, the over-40 woman does develop the confidence to refine her own personal style and that’s what My Refined Style is all about!

We’re in  New York City this week, enjoying the energy, culture, architectural beauty, and fine pubs. Every time we come, we take a picture here on Minetta Street in the West Village. I love the blue-gray brick wall and local charm. On this day I am wearing an element of My Refined Style: the classic wrap dress. This one is by Karina Dresses, made in the USA and perfect for travel. I wash it in the sink and wear it multiple times.

When you have a great dress all you need to add are a few simple accessories: a necklace (this one created by Suzanne Carillo), tights, and booties (similar). A vintage bracelet from Citizen Rosebud, and hello to the city of my dreams.


I think you can see I am having a splendid time in my favorite city.

This monthly Linkup goes live on the first Thursday (12:00am ET) of every month on 7 blogs and runs for one week.

My Refined Style Hosts

Meet Your Hosts

Please Follow Your Hosts on their blog or Bloglovin’ and/or their other social media links!

My Refined Style Host - Shellie

The FABulous Journey

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MRS Profile Pic - Jessica

Elegantly Dressed And Stylish

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MRS Profile Pic - Dawn

Fashion Should Be Fun – Style Over 40

Twitter | Bloglovin |Facebook | Pinterest |Instagram

My ReFined Style Host - Patti

Not Dead Yet Style

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My Refined Style Host - Cherie

Style Nudge

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My Refined Style Host - Andrea

Living On Cloud Nine

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Trina’s Tea Time

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The FABulous Journey


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  1. How amazing do you look in that dress, Patti!! Those colours!!

    Do come by my blog tomorrow for the weekly Friday Project Sister Act Link-Up? I’d love to see you there xoxo

    • Mmm.. Ingudlent and moist. I’m going to try this too. =] Why not try a peanut butter and cream cheese frosting? Think it’ll go great too !This is like food porn~!

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