Happy Saturday And A Visible Monday Reminder

Ah, the Florida Autumn. Which is to say, the everywhere-North-of-here Summer. Still hot and muggy, but I have to pull out a few cool-weather pieces to bring hope. Today I wore jeans (!) (similar) and a crinkled cotton top (sim), a favorite necklace (found here) and red Naot sandals (sim). Disclosure: I jumped back into the air-conditioned apartment right after this picture was taken.



I hope all of you who are enjoying a chill in the air are wearing your fab cardigans and booties!

And I hope your weekend is lovely. Have the best of times and come back for Visible Monday, please.
Visible Monday starts Sunday around 5PM. Be there for the best blogger party and the finest style on the webz.

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Visible-Monday-Logo Stay fabulous,


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