Gratitude Saturday And Visible Monday Reminder

It’s the little things that can make a day wonderful. An extra-hot cup of coffee, a cat sleeping on your feet, learning a new song, having a wine with a friend. Thrift score treasures, the ability to still touch my toes, a long soak in the tub. There’s a lot of scariness in the big world, the news can be terrifying. I try to balance it with gratitude.

On this Gratitude Saturday, I’m especially thankful for:
1. This view in the morning. I try to never take for granted this serene and calming sight, even if it’s raining or blowing. The ocean has always calmed me, from my earliest days at the Jersey shore.


2. Thrift store scores. I am insufferably smug when I find a good one. This week it was this all-cashmere, like-new cardigan, from J. Crew. I washed it in cold water and baby shampoo and laid it on a towel to dry – and it’s perfection. In about two months, it will be cool enough to wear it, so for now I just pet it tenderly.

3. My old cat is still healthy, and has adapted beautifully to her new apartment. We got her a step-stool so she can get on the bed with us at night. She pats my head in the morning to wake me up. Love this old girl, scraped off the streets as a left-behind kitten 15 years ago.


4. Yet more end-of-summer sales, on pieces we can wear in warmer climates for months. I look for jeans, booties, lightweight long-sleeved tops and knee skirts that can work for two or three seasons.

Reminder: Visible Monday starts Sunday around 5PM. Be there for the best blogger party and the finest style on the webz!

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What are you grateful for today? Stay fabulous,

Browse the pretty things on sale:

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  1. Don’t be afraid to hire a professional only for the things you need. For example, you might hire someone to install your appliances, but choose to decorate on your own.

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