Real Life Fashion Show: We Work It Our Way

We women of a Certain Age (and any age) can ignore the outfit-making rules and create our own combinations and permutations. White shoes in winter, mini skirts after 40 (gasp), distressed jeans, and pattern-mixing – we do all that and more. The real life women of Visible Monday put on a fashion show every week, and we work our style our own way. Ain’t it grand?
As always, the first tip is: individualize your style, and own your look. Confidence is all.

And there’s always room in my closet for some personal style-makers:

Olga from Local Fashion just bought this gorgeous patterned coat, and it will look terrific with everything. The predictable pairing would have been with a brown or tan skirt, but Olga chose a vibrant teal skirt and tights. Now it’s a stand-out look:

Sacramento of Mis Paplicos, always creative, individual and daring, made this amazing skirt from a shawl. Many of us would feel bold enough just wearing the shawl, but Sacramento created an unforgettable art skirt. she also stitched the rooster onto her blazer. She does it all:

Bird skirt mispapelicos 2
Shelbee of Shelbee On The Edge lives where it’s cold, northern New York State, so she’s used to bundling up. But she also has a sense of style and humor, and let Shelbee tell you about this hat:“My wonky little foxy snood was made especially for me by the amazingly talented and supremely artistic Dutchess Von Dawson of Eternally Thirsty.” We love it.

Jessica of Elegantly Dressed And Stylish always looks like a million. I love what she did here, mixing a dark plaid peplum blazer with a paisley blouse, then adding burgundy jeans (some would stick to plain old denim blue, but not Jess) and combat style boots. That’s a look, and a splendid one:

Melanie of Bag And A Beret is an artist to her core. I bet her breakfast looks like a painting, and a good one. This week she paired a vintage chiffon gown in hottest pink, with modern black booties. No predictable glitter-shoes for this virtuoso:


How do you like to show your individuality and, may I even say, quirks, when you dress? xo

Stay fabulous,

Here’s more statement-making pieces for any age, inspired by the Visible women:

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  1. Exactly – take a risk and nothing bad will happen! I always check out your style to get inspired. xo

  2. Oooh, the pink gown! Thank you, Patti, for including my style antics in your lineup. I love the bold iterations of personal style from all of these other women. Even the small things can really add pow to an outfit. The opening illustration cracks me up – it’s an x-ray of the inside of my mind.

  3. Aw thank you Patti! I love the company I am in. Whats great about blogging is that you learn that you can take fashion risks, why not! Glad you like the outfit as I have been working on pattern mixing. Love the bright pink, the fox hood, fabulous printed bird skirt and those luscious colors of brown and teal from Olga.
    thank you!
    jess xx

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