Completely Off Trend But Fab: Visible Monday

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Do you keep your clothes a long time? Yeah, me too – if I like it, it stays. And if it has become glaringly off trend, well, we shall have to start a new trend. We are not sheep, people!



Welcome to Visible Monday. If you want to participate, it’s so easy: just go to the bottom of this post for the how-to. Please be kind and leave a link to Not Dead Yet Style in your post.

I don’t remember when I bought this bubble-hem dress, but it must have been when bubble-hems were IN. I still enjoy wearing it because it’s got a super-flattering bodice, it’s great for adding necklaces, it’s washable and what the heck – I still like the sweatshirt hem. I guess this falls into Wear What You Love and don’t sweat the latest fashion magazine (unless it is Vogoff).

gray dress vis monday

I am wearing two sets of faux pearls (similar) today, a vintage bracelet from Citizen Rosebud, and floral booties (sim). Look here for a similar, more current knit dress


trina turk blazer

This Trina Turk thrifted blazer (sim) is a new favorite.


Now, let’s see what’s in your closet, Visible Women.

The guidelines to participate in the Visible Monday Link-Up are so simple:

    1. Whoever wants to can join in! Just compose a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day.
    2. Include a link to Not Dead Yet Style somewhere in your post.
    3. Go to the bottom of this post and click on the InLinkz button “Add Your Link”. It should open a new page.
    4. In the “Next Step”, you crop the pic (easy tool) you want to display, and you’re done!


Oh hey! Not Dead Yet Style is on Instagram! Please check it out when you have a moment: Instagram.

Stay fabulous,


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  1. Just love your blog! Thanks so much for the blog posts and the content that you choose. I am also checking out a lot of the brands that you promote, that I hadn’t really thought about before. Do completely love the chloe bag, and the color particularly, so pretty! Your husband did so good! I have decided I need to get the sock boots. Another winner blog I an also buying that topshop jacket, really cool.

    • I am so glad that your little one is ok and so sorry you had a bad experience at the hospital! (Yay for them trying to make it up to you. They should!)Love this collection of posts. Also? I totally want to just read the sex parts of 50 Shades of Grey. It’s a perfect pl;aaJulin&#8217.s last awesome post…

  2. PS I forgot to mention a big THANK YOU for the shout-off about Vogoff. I often turn to it for style advice. Heh.

  3. Nope, no discarding here. Please excuse the piles of “maybe”, “mend”, and “yes, it can go” drifting around the house like icebergs. Watch your step!

  4. I love a good bubble hem too and I love this versatility – casual and dressed up with a sharp blazer. Keep this piece forever! (maniacal laugh). I am happy to join you today, a little winded, but I made it. Thanks for all your parties.

  5. I love this post, Patti. I am all about getting more wears out of your clothing these days. And keeping them longer certainly encourages that. Plus the dress is adorable! : )

  6. I am the same way-I like to be aware of the reeds but, shopping the way I do I just can’t worry about trends. I know what I like and feel comfortable in and that is that? And if I am going to spend hours making something, you better bet I am going to wear it a few years. Your top is great and look, you are wearing leggings with it-that is one new thing that I totally love and I always drool over that jacket!

  7. Those boots are really cool and really works well with the way your coordinated the bubble dress with accessories.

  8. I do love those little booties.

    I kind of wish I’d held onto some of my clothes longer. Some of the boots I had in the 80’s were SWEEEET.

    If you love something it is always in style…well that’s what I say anyhow ; P


  9. What an adorable dress. I really like the shape and color – it really looks wonderful with your floral booties.

  10. I love the way you make full use of what’s in your closet by adding wonderful accessories for a contemporary touch….I love those boots and the double pearls!

  11. I too continue to wear pieces I like year after year. I figure if it’s in good condition, why not? That’s also why I tend to go for things that I think will be in style for a few years.


  12. Dear Patti, I do love fashion but I keep my clothes anyway and if I like them I wear them also if they are not trendy at the moment, plus fashion keeps coming back and nothing beats having fun with our clothes πŸ˜‰ Said that, I love your floral boots! Thanks for the linkup πŸ™‚ Kisses

    Fashion and Cookies – fashion and beauty blog

  13. I’ve got those boots – Β£8 in the before Xmas sales – too good to miss!
    Only people who don’t know their own mind follow fashion. We sensible women buy what we like. xxx

  14. I just love the look on you – and if I search back in my memory (!) I think I remember bubble dresses in the 60s! But whatever age the dress or the style It’s the way you wear it that matters. And you look great! The boots are fab but my favourite part of it is the jacket. I do love a tailored cut.
    Thanks so much for the link – joining you in a couple of hours xxxx

  15. If there is something that you love and it looks great on you, why not to keep wearing it? Lovely dress Patty! I especially like it combined with the jacket.

  16. I agree, if you love something, keep wearing it no matter what is in at the moment. The dress is great, and I love the jacket! What a find!

    Thanks for the link up & have a great week!

  17. Good for you, Patti! I agree … if we like it, let’s keep wearing it! You look fabulous! Plus it’s all in the attitude. Wear it with confidence, and you’ll convince everyone you see that it’s the latest! πŸ˜‰

    Dawn Lucy

  18. I remember bubbleskirts from 1987 or thereabouts. I haven’t got many clothes from that far back but if something is good, it will stay until it falls apart.

  19. Fashion is never off trend if it “fits” the intelligent, creative, youthful, and confident you. You look fabulous in this dress and not like any sheep I know. Thank you for sharing your style perspective and for the reminder to stay visible.


  20. I can relate to this idea of holding onto your nice clothes… we live in a throw-away culture, unfortunately, and it’s taking its toll on not just the environment but also on our minds and souls. I try to buy less, and buy better quality, and wear what I buy. And I still think I have way too much stuff…

  21. Oh I am way to quick with throwing things away. And that is with everything! From clothing to email s! And I keep on saying to myself: hold on to that, don’t throw it away…. But I hate,, stuff,, ha ha

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