Moto And Pearls: My Refined Style

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I love to mix feminine and edgy pieces. My overall look is feminine, so I like to avoid looking too “sweet.” A great combination for this goal is: moto and pearls.

Welcome to an exciting link-up for us over-40 fashion lovers: My Refined Style, created by the lovely Shellie of The FABulous Journey. We’re hosting a link-up once a month, that all you 40+ beauties can participate in, and share the love. All you have to do is leave a link below, using the ever-familiar InLinkz tool, and mention My Refined Style in your post. Your link-up will be shared over seven fab blogs, and Harpers Bazaar magazine (kidding, for now, about that last thing).

This is a typical “post-career” (sounds younger than “retired”) look for me, but would also work well in a casual office. I grabbed a favorite chambray shirt (similar) and paired it with my tuxedo trousers (sim). That  made a perfectly cheerful look, but I needed the faux leather vest (sim) to make it more fun. Then the faux gray pearls (sim) for icing on the cupcake.


And oxfords, for style, comfort and a tiny scrap of color.


I like the vest worn open, too – not as chic, but easier to eat lunch this way : >

My Refined Style Hosts
Monthly Fashion Over-40 Linkup
Women shouldn’t have to follow a set of rules once they reach a certain age. However, the over-40 woman does develop the confidence to refine her own personal style and that’s what My Refined Style is all about!
Meet Your Hosts
Please follow your hosts on their blog or Bloglovin’ and/or their other social media links!
My Refined Style Host - Shellie
MRS Profile Pic - Jessica
MRS Profile Pic - Dawn
My ReFined Style Host - Patti
My Refined Style Host - Cherie
My Refined Style Host - Andrea
My Refined Style Host - Jennifer
Grab the My Refined Style button for your website!
The FABulous Journey

Please visit at least two other links and share the ♥ by leaving a comment.

Stay fabulous, and show us your refined style,

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  1. Top is super. In fact this leather vest is not fun, its trendy, it fit to rest of clothes and this is the best part. Looks great.
    Shoes… not perfect :). I suggest something like mocassins. And dark! It will be better.

  2. Such a fun look on you Patti. Moto and pearls. Perfect! It’s great to co-host My Refined Style with you

    • É como a Dra. Suzana di.rLz.emb.o-me da estátua (vivi alguns anos no Porto), e lembro-me muito bem do texto a que o caro Professor Massano Cardoso se reporta.

  3. It’s a great combination, and you wear it so well! Actually, Patti, I think you could do the full-on Rock Chick thing and look just as fabulous! xxx

  4. You’re smart — since you exude natural femininity, adding a touch of masculine energy to it is alchemical, not only creating interesting looks but emphasizing your feminine beauty by contrast. The perfect style choice for you.

    • Right? It’s genius! I’m just trying to figure out if the magical secret ingredient that makes it all work is Patti’s natural beauty, or if there’s any hope for the more ordinary and faded-cushion-like among us.

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