What I Wore: My Karina Dress, Made Work-Casual

I love my Karina dress. It’s such a simple, go-to piece in my closet. Always fits, washes so easily, no ironing, and it’s the perfect length for me. So I do wear it a lot. Today, it’s pretty casual with a cotton shirt belted over it, black tights and calf-high Aldo boots. I added just my watch and a silvery cuff for adornment.

The last time I showed this dress, it looked more dressy (for lack of a better word!), with faux pearls and heels. I have also worn it with a colorful tee underneath for a weekend look, paired with my new denim jacket. I will show that jacket soon, it’s a winner.

Dress: Karina dresses; Shirt: Lafayette 148; Belt: GAP, thrifted
I feel like I am being watched . . .

Do you have a go-to dress in your closet, that’s always there for you?

P.S. My readers can use a special discount if you order any full price Karina dress:

$30 Off Any Full Price Dress  – GIBP30

Use your discount code at:

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  1. This post shows how your style has evolved .You paired the dress with more of your style this time. I totally love this outfit and how relaxed you look wearing this dress!

  2. Your Karina dress is perfect with the boots and belted shirt.  Casual yet classy!

  3. Just a great, simple, wonderfully flattering look! and how great that it's easy as well – w00t!  i'm gettin pretty intrigued by these Karina dresses…..they have a great idea (flattering, simple, easy care) and seem to be doing a nice job of executing it. Very good!

    Happy Friday! steph

  4. That dress is so pretty! I love black and white. The jacket and belt really do dress it down!

  5. I have a couple dresses like this. I consider them my 'special occasion dresses'. Not because I only wear them on special occasions but I do wear them on occasions that I want to feel special. A date night, coffee with the girls. The day that I am feeling down and just want to crawl back into bed. That when I pull out the purple sweater dress or the 50's inspired hounds-tooth number.

  6. Really pretty way to style this dress.  It looks wonderful on you.  I have 2 go to dresses in my closet, but since I have stopped working I am afraid to put them on as I may have gained too much weight.  Holiday season will tell!

  7. What a fabulous dress! It looks like a perfect go-to. My "go-to" dress is what I usually pull when I need to feel awesome. It's my white All Saints dress. It's probably still the most expensive article of clothing I've ever purchased (not including shoes). It never fails to make me feel awesome.

  8. Love the print – it's so versatile, as you've shown. I had a b/w dress that was a favorite for many years, until it suffered closet shrinkage and became somewhat uncomplimentary to my figure.

  9. Love the outfit and that corner of your room where you took the pic. Just lovely!  I have a green jumper that I wear all the time. You can wear something over or under, it doesn't wrinkle and it's comfortable.

  10. Great look!  I'm wearing a Karina dress today too! It's cold-ish here, so over a long-sleeve tee and leggings with boots (bien sur)!

  11. Now that I think of it, no I do not have a "go to" dress.
    I have amassed quite an amount of dresses – where 5 years go that would have been unthinkable – but, if I had to PICK ONE; it would probably be one of the black ones. They just make my life simpler.

  12. You look so chic and stylish Patti!  Your belted shirt and boots look great with this awesome dress 🙂  My go-to dress is a black and white wrap dress from Target that is probably 5 or 6 years old. I love it as much today as the day I bought it!  Heather

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