Visible Monday #112: Preppy Over Vintage

Welcome to Visible Monday #112! If you want to participate, it’s so easy: just go to the bottom of this post for the how-to. Please be kind and leave a link to Not Dead Yet Style in your post.

I love a man’s shirt, especially a really fine one like this Yves Saint Laurent. And especially when I found it at Goodwill for just a couple of dollars ☺.ย  Plus, it never wrinkles – bonus!

Today I wore it over a vibrant vintage 80’s maxi skirt, also thrifted (similar). The braided cotton belt was a gift from a friend and brings back hippie-girl memories. The sparkly cat pin was a birthday gift from my husband, via Bella’s Etsy shop.

So I’m a lively combo of prep and vintage, and feeling Visibly fabulous.

Neutral platform sandals are wearable in Florida till October.
Hey, Kitty. I love your little face.

Now, let’s see what you’re wearing, Visible Women!!

The guidelines to participate in the Visible Monday Link-Up are so simple!

  1. Whoever wants to can join in! Just compose a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day.
  2. Include a link to Not Dead Yet Style somewhere in your post. Please leave a comment, too, so we know you had a good time.
  3. Go to the bottom of this post and click on this cute little link:

In the “Next Step”, you crop the pic (easy tool) you want to display, and you’re done!

Oh hey! Not Dead Yet Style has a Facebook page now! Please check it out when you have a moment: Facebook Page.


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  1. love this look. the men's shirt is awesome and really makes the outfit pop. you look very classy.

  2. Your Dear One clearly has scored points for, 1, shopping with Bella, and, 2, great taste. That is the cutest pin.
    The pattern on your dress is fantastic madness and you really look great in men's shirts. I don't know anyone who could pull off a hippy look with a tailored YSL shirt. Again, thanks for the party.

  3. Feeling and looking Visibly fabulous!! Such a cute kitten pin. Thanks so much for hosting and the best of weeks to you!!

  4. You look fabulous in the men's blue YSL! Your entire ensemble lights up the screen. Brava!

  5. I like Preppie + Vintage! Especially on you. Looking crisp and relaxed all at the same time and that's a tall order! Hope you are still enjoying lots of summer and that all is going just as you wish it to! Thanks again for hosting, and doing it so well. As always.

  6. Hi Patti! Sorry I haven't posted here for awhile, I miss seeing all these Fabulous people! Been busy filming and styling the anchors … super fun! You look gorgeous as ALWAYS!!!! pippa

  7. Hi Patti!
    Great shirt and what a find! I especially love the kitty pin. I adore fun jewelry pieces like this! You always look great.

  8. Oh, sandals. Sigh. You look lovely! I just bought a Boyfriend shirt from Gap, which, while not actually a men's shirt, looks utterly indistinguishable from one. I love how you're mixing yours with that skirt, and may very well take inspiration from you!

  9. Now this may sound very strange by I don't fit into a Men shirt. In order to fit the biggest part of me they don't fit anywhere else. I stick to Women sizes. hahahaha. Look adorable on you tho.

  10. I am always late with Visible Monday. As I upload a new post at this time and there is a time difference… haha.
    Your outfit looks very good. Amazing how well that belt works with the pattern of the skirt. Never in a million years would I have thought of combining these two, but it works wonders. Thumbs up for this outfit. And for Kitty. Your mentioning of treasures found at Bella's Etsy shop made me look there as well. So far I "scored" a perfect black and white bracelet, which I am wearing more than I anticipated. And there is an emerald green necklace on its way. YEAH.

  11. Love this skirt Patti! I love when you find things like that at the thrift store…its like a treasure ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. I think this is outfit is so great, Patti, and so very you – a bit of vintage, a lovely print, flowy and feminine, but with a edge – just Perfect Patti! Fab belt too. Thanks as always for hosting. xxxx

  13. I didn't know that about you, Emalina! You do write with such wonderful insight, I may have guessed you are a student of human behavior : > Thanks for your wonderful contributions to VisMonday.

  14. Hi Patti, I couldn't resist joining the Visible Monday fun again! I love your outfit, you look wonderful. Have a great week!

  15. Loving how you've paired that excellent shirt with the maxi skirt, such a great look. Dear Patti, did I read on a comment you wrote on someone else's blog that you're a psychotherapist, like Amber? Me too! Funny how so many of us therapists are attracted to the playfulness of style blogging isn't it! I use a pseudonym, and won't ever write anything on my blog about my work/ home life to keep some kind of confidentiality and separation between work and blogging, but in actual fact I'm a psychotherapist with my own private practice!

  16. Hi Patti-I love the pattern on your skirt and what a great idea to team with a shirt too, a really inspiring look! Thanks for hosting and wishing you a lovely week! xx

  17. A adore preppy, love the simplicity of the shirt, and a full skirt is so feminine!

  18. Great idea to combine masculin piece with soft, silky fabric! Belt is a crown of this outfit. You look awesome again!
    I allways wonder the participant ladies – how many personality and style! All forever young!

  19. Another great look Patti! I know you mentioned in your previous post that you have a limited closet and coming up with new outfits. I have to say, you did a great job with remixing your wardrobe because they never seem repetitive. Have a great week!


  20. Before even looking at your Outfit, just reading the title of the post my answer was: Preppy with a side of Vintage. Your outfit is perfection. Love your YSL Man's Shirt & that Beautiful Maxi Skirt. Great little pin too. This is definitely a Patti Outfit head to toe. =)

  21. Wow Patti! Great combination. I'm going to have to check-out the men's wear next time I hit the thrift shop.

  22. Totally gorgeous shirt! I love the quality of men's clothing. I actually found a Yves Saint Laurent belt at GW awhile back for $2. Can't wait to start wearing belts again tomorrow.

  23. I've been pondering how to style my white men's shirt–after seeing a lot of that kind of thing in NY Fashion WEek. Love the little kitty you added to yours.

  24. First off, your hubby is such a sweetheart- I loved how he secretly ordered that pin for you! Secondly- mans shirt in blue on you= stunning. Thirdly: I'm here, I'm dear, get used to it. Mondays is the party to be SEEN.

  25. I love a good collared shirt. I wear them with everything. And your sparkly kitty pin is just fab!

  26. Wow, you have kind of a bohemian office vibe! I love those unexpected combinations and bright colors!

  27. Your sandals look perfect. Elegant feet!

    I love mens shirts as well- I found one that was so soft I thought it was a pyjama top. I'd been wearing it as one for a while until I looked up the brand and discovered otherwise. (:

  28. TTalk about being Visibly Fabulous! That vintage maxi skirt is an "I want, I want" item. Love the preppy, vintage vibe but most of all I love the Visibility of Patti.

  29. I love this look, Patti! You rock a men's shirt like no one's business! Thank you again for hosting this – love seeing all these fabulous women!

  30. Patti, you do this look to perfection!! I love men's shirts and periodically try to incorporate them, but never to my complete satisfaction. You have the flair and the proportions. ๐Ÿ™‚ The pin from Bella is the purrfect finishing touch. (Sorry, couldn't resist.) XXOO

  31. I do like a man's shirt on a beautiful lady! What a cool pin, sweet gift.

    blue hue wonderland

  32. I love the look! I have found quite a few men's shirts at the Good Will that I will be sporting this fall!

  33. Hi Patti!
    Nice to have you back!
    Love the mix masculine- feminine!
    That cat pin, yes I have seen it, so cute!

  34. Wow Patti! This is such a great look! That skirt is just fabulous and I would have never thought to put it with its multi-colours and bold print with a mannish shirt but it looks fantastic

  35. I agree that shade of blue works so well with your complexion! What a great combination and definitely Visible Monday Worthy!

  36. Fantastic and amazing combination! Little kitty is too cute. Love it. Thx for hosting Patti.

    Have a lovely week.

  37. I think that shade of blue should be your signature color, Patti, because nobody looks better in it than you! I love the pattern in the skirt as well. You look amazing, as always, dear Patti – thanks for hosting us lunatics ๐Ÿ˜‰


  38. Excellent Goodwill shopping! This is a good look for you, Patti! Thanks for hosting!!

  39. Love this look on you Patti–the skirt is gorgeous and thrifting a YSL shirt-awesome!!

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