Posting Redux: Beauty/Style: What’s Gotten Better With Age?

Happiest Thanksgiving to you (and happy day in general all of to you non-US readers)! It’s a fairly busy holiday, so I am re-running an old post that my readers seemed to enjoy: What’s actually better about getting older, other than the obvious Wisdom, Grace, and Overall Fabulousness?  : >


I’m inspired today by a post I read on about the physical aspects of aging. The question was posed: What do we like better about our physical selves as we age? Well, several posters piped right up with: nothing! And there are days when I definitely echo that sentiment. Some mornings, my face looks a bit saggy, eyes crinkled, silver showing at the roots of my hair.

By aging, I’m not talking about that lovely transition from college girl to working woman/mother: those physical changes in our 20’s and 30’s give our face its form, smooth out our awkwardness and calm down our skin. Those are the decades when we learn how to apply makeup artfully, tame and twist our hair, and build a flattering wardrobe.

The beauty and style changes that emerge after age 40 have not been given as much positive press. Let’s try to wring some out here! I’ll start, and I will try to maintain my sense of humor:

  • My posture is definitely better as a result of yoga and stretching.
  • I can afford a pedicure and sometimes my toes look great.
  • My silver hairs have a lot of body, so my ‘do looks more bountiful.
  • I know my best colors much better and am not too easily led astray.
  • I’ve developed a blissful relationship with my hair stylist, who understands curly hair!
  • I don’t choose to, but I could wear a Chanel suit and not look silly.
  • My eyelashes are longer, thanks to generic Latisse.
  • I never stay out all night anymore, so very few dark under-eye circles.
  • Deep rose lipstick looks good on a mature face!
Please let me know what you think: what’s gotten better for you, style and beauty wise? Younger readers, what do you hope/expect to keep getting better?
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  1. Even though this post is dated, it's a great topic for Women's History Month. Will blog soon and post my link. Thanks.

  2. Inspiring, really; a REAL woman instead of the graceless young show-offs.  You are beatiful head to toe, there are qualities only years can bring. 

  3. Happy late thanksgiving !
    Well I must admit that l want to think that i am on the verge of discovering my style, what fits well, what to stay away from. It's a never ending experience that I can only hope to get better at 🙂

  4. I like myself more than I did when I was younger.  Like a lot of other women have expressed I feel much more confident.  
    Do I like what I see in the mirror though?  I'm less critical of my body, no longer expecting model perfection or comparing myself to 20 year old actresses, but I am critical of some changes on my face.  Not wrinkles so much but the area under my chin is droopy.  Ug.  When did that happen?
    Because I now have more money I am having a lot more fun with fashion, hair color and manicures.  My kids are older so I have more time to pamper myself and enjoy free time as they're in school.

  5. I'm definitely a lot more confident now and confidence is beautiful. I also feel that my sense of style and fashion is improving every day. I'm much more daring now and dress for fun and style. I'm starting to really understand my style and experiment with it. My posture is definitely lacking so will need to drag myself to yoga more!

  6. It's interesting that I don't readily see improvements in myself, but I can see the positive changes in others. Women who have been in the public eye since their teens and are now in their 40s or 50s have exchanged the pretty but somewhat shapeless softness of their young faces for the beautifully defined lines created by experience and character. My female family and friends have always looked beautiful to me, but as they age I can definitely sense their increased strength and serenity,

    Funny thing about my hair: for 49 years my hair was straight and so fine it could not hold a curl. But over the last two years it has decided to coil up into a springy bouncy mess of curls. Talk about a dream come true!   

  7. I have to say, for me, a lot of what's gotten better for me has been made possible because I'm making more money than I did when I was younger. And I've learned how to manage it better. So I can afford to experiment and find things (beauty products, treatments, and clothes) that really work for me. And I can get rid of things that don't work out, without feeling guilty or like I've suffered a major loss.

    As I've gotten older I've also become much less fearful. I've experienced some bad things, but being fearful never made anything better.

    Possibly the best thing about getting older is realizing that I don't have to have anyone else's permission to do what I want, or to wear what I want. At this age (over 40), it seems ridiculous to seek the approval of parents or other authority figures. Whereas, when I was younger, I was constantly worried about what other people would say about my choices.

  8. Happy thanksgiving to you! What do i like about me as i am getting older?  I am more daring as to how i dress- i discovered yoga about 3 years ago and it is the greatest thing! i think about me more, what i want  and who i want to associate with and less scared of solitude – I worry less or if i do it does not affect me as much, and find ways not too worry so much.

    I love your previous post, the skirt with the green top, fabulous

    Ariane xxxx

  9. Happy Thanksgiving.

    Contrary to our culture's teaching, there are numerous great things about growing older.  We worry less about our jobs and other people; we focus more on what matters to us; we get wiser in general.  Some anguish about the physical signs of aging (e.g., wrinkles), but they are truly unstoppable and should be embraced, not feared.  Our age is our age — merely a fact, not a tragedy.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving Patti, what a great read!  I like my curves but not so much my weight gain,  I like the confidence in knowing what I like so my decisiveness is better, my face took on a more angled shape which is good, my facial skin is smoother due to anit-aging products plus I stopped tanning a long time ago.  My hair is still thick but has thinned a bit but is more manageable this way.  I have begun yoga so if my posture improves then I will look taller and more confident.  Thanks for posting this is a  wonderful opportunity to write about graceful aging.  Dawn Suitcase Vignettes xo

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