Going Short Over 50: Visible Monday

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Going short, in hairstyle and skirt length, is a big change for me. I like my skirts to just cover my knees, and my hair to cover my long neck. But it’s fun to experiment, and play on the other side.

Welcome to Visible Monday. If you want to participate, it’s so easy: just go to the bottom of this post for the how-to. Link back to Not Dead Yet Style if you like – we’re on Easy Does It “rules” now!

This was my Thanksgiving Day outfit, for dinner at our favorite pub. Jeans and a tee would’ve worked too, but I wanted to dress up a little: in a new-to-me Anthropologie dress I found at ThredUp, an online consignment store, for about $25. I love the Missoni-esque pattern and dip hem (a bit short for me, but that’s why God made tights).

The drapey sweater is by AlliHop, another Anthro brand, thrifted in NYC.

I’m getting ready for a haircut, so I thought I’d try out a short, messy bob with a wig (no crying if I don’t like it!). This is the Victoria by Paula Young, in a pretty rooted blonde, but the style is too short for my taste. And I like my curls better than straight hair. Good to learn this way, yes? rather than sitting in the stylist’s chair.😮

A thrifted bib necklace fills in the neckline nicely, and my old Doc Martens still look cool. My 63 year-old kneecaps, not so much.

Are you loving short hair and/or skirts? Show us in the link-up.

Now, let’s see what’s in your closet, Visible Women.The guidelines to participate in the Visible Monday Link-Up are so simple:

    1. Whoever wants to can join in! Just compose a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day.
    2. Go to the bottom of this post and click on the InLinkz button “Add Your Link”. It should open a new page.
    3. In the “Next Step”, you crop the pic (easy tool) you want to display, and you’re done!
    4. Visit a few other bloggers, to make new friends and increase your own following.

Oh hey! Not Dead Yet Style is on Instagram! Please check it out when you have a moment: Instagram.

Stay fabulous and wear what you love, xo

Browse these cool pieces:

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  1. The post is pretty captivating, I got hooked to it and couldn’t stop reading. I’ve read posts similar to this, but this one clearly raises the bar.

    • great to see you again, and I enjoyed your post about shoes! And thanks for the kind words, xox

    • thanks, Debbie! If I am very, very good, maybe next lifetime I will get YOUR hair! Loved your post today and the video was uplifting, xox.

  2. How fun that you’re wearing a wig! I never would’ve guessed. I love it and it’s perfect for experimenting. That dress is pretty fabulous too.

    • Thanks, Daenel. I’m loving your western look today with those patched jeans – just perfect! xox

  3. Once upon a time, I had short hair. And I hated it. So much. I swore never again. Then I cut it for the second time 10 years later, and hated it just as much too. That ended my shorn hair saga, Patti!!! I do think a short, sharp Sassoon bob would look fabulous on you though, especially with the curls. Sassy and spirited, like you xo

    • Yes, your testimony is helpful, Sheela! And your long hair is so stunning, and so YOU. Thanks for linking up; your article about influencers is thought provoking. xox.

  4. I love your wigs, and I particularly like the idea of trying one out as a haircut tester. I thought long necks are a desirable thing. The dress, yeah, it looks great short but I’m all for tights if they up the confidence level. Thanks for the linkup, Patti. xo

    • Thanks, Mel. Wigs are great to test out hair decisions, esp color. I am enchanted by your post today – your new bag is dreamy! xox

    • Thank you Elle, and so sorry for the loss of your friend. I love this quote from your post: “PICTURE HAPPINESS, DWARF THE GRIEF. ITS A PROCESS.” xox

    • Thanks, Cheryl and thanks for linking up. I love your slightly-different gift list, esp that RBG mug! xox

  5. I prefer my skirts to cover my knees too, but there’s nothing wrong with experimenting, and I do think this shorter length looks great on you. Love the jacket too. And how clever to try out a shorter wig first. I actually do look that shorter cut on you, but I can understand you’d miss your curls! xxx

    • Thank you, Ann! I enjoyed “traveling” to the beautiful deserted beaches with you; you two are always making fine memories. xox

  6. I love your hair and the shorter skirt – it’s fun to step out of our tried and tested routine occasiobnally, isn’t it? xxx

    • thanks Dawn Lucy! Your new skinnies look fab. I will get a haircut but not a pixie, at least not just yet! xox

    • thanks so much dear Jess! I agree with you that your camo is a neutral and you mixed your prints beautifully, xox.

  7. Loving the short hair; the new cut is definitely going to suit you – and that’s such a cool dress. I tend to wear skirts and dresses either mid thigh or just below the knee – for some reason in between or longer doesn’t look right on me!
    Have a lovely week, and thank you for hosting 🙂
    Helen x

  8. You look very pretty in the purple/lavender colors and I really like the wig style. That’s a great idea to try a wig rather than getting a haircut and realizing you don’t like it. I’ve been there a few times!! I don’t have a fashion post to share today as I’m just back from TG travels. Next week, hopefully!

  9. woww, you look particularly adorable and cute in your short dress (and hair!), I love the missonesque pattern and the cardi-pullover shape!, the subtle color combo!, the booties!, the necklace! I love everything actually! ;DD

  10. Great dress and I look forward to seeing you hair cut. It’s interesting that quite a few American bloggers/instagrammers talk about their wigs. Apparently (said my hairdresser) wigs are not so good in the UK – I wonder why it’s so different?

    • thanks for the kind words, Penny. I don’t know why wigs are not so popular in the UK; perhaps it’s the pricing/shipping costs that are higher. Have a wonderful week, xox.

  11. I am letting my hair grow again after It was shorter. I am not a short hair woman. And I also like the curls better on you, we both love ,,messy,, hair if I may say so. The dress is beautiful! Love the color pattern.

    • thank you Anna! I enjoyed your style round-up, and I need to find some pleather leggings. xox

  12. Oh what I wouldn’t do for a longer neck! There is such elegance in a long neck.

    I love the wig on you. Most of the reason I went red was because I bought a red wig to play with and loved it so much it gave me the courage.

    I’m surprised you aren’t showing off your legs more often, especially living in Florida. We are all our own worst enemy when it comes to our perceived flaws.


    • Your going-red story is inspiring, as you’ve found the perfect color! I can’t “see” you as anything other, and the style is perfection. Agreed that we are too hard on ourselves, xox

  13. A wig is a great way to test-drive a style – I like hair length this on you, even if you don’t, Patti. You have such an elegant neck! I think you have awesome legs! You know I’m a fan of short skirts – show off those legs!

    Thank you so much for hosting, my dear!

    • thank you kindly, Sheila. I shall show off my legs (with tights) more often! Love your weekend styles, xox.

  14. The dress is a little shorter than we’re used to seeing on you. It’s great combined with those boots!

  15. Patti, that wig is marvelous on you! I love the style and that dress with your Doc Martens is terrific. You look great from head to toe!

    • Thanks, Kelly. Your multi-media cardigan is so great, and it might actually get cool this week! xox

  16. First, I love the shorter hair, Patti. I have one wig this length, and love it.
    As for shorter skirts, I feel like the older I get, the shorter my skirts gets…it’s almost funny! Of course it helps with my OTK boots too

    • thanks jodie! I would love to see you in your wig, and the shorter skirts look fetching on you! xox

  17. Oh puleeze, Patti. You look too cool for school. I like the unusual, unnameable color of the ensemble too. And your chest piece. I believe I have those same docs too.

    • thanks Pao! I am in love with the red coat with raspberry lining! It’s just beautiful. xox

  18. I think you should go for it and have your hair shortened, it suits you and going well along the shorter dress. You look very pretty

    • Thanks Sue, and thanks for linking up. I do love your Rag and Bone trousers, they fit and flatter. xox

  19. Both the dress length and the shorter, straight hair are a pretty, young-ish look that you carry off very well. I wish my 66 year old knee caps were as photogenic as yours! : )

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