At Not Dead Yet Style Headquarters: Gratitude

I make a conscious effort every day to be grateful for things I could easily take for granted. I am  lucky to be healthy, and well-married, and have a job I love. (It’s not just luck, but there’s a good measure of it.)

The place I live is not too bad, either. We have a condo in a little Florida beach town. If I get up early enough, I can watch the sun rise over the ocean. Sandy can check the surf and paddle out. We can go for two days without driving anywhere, just biking.

Today, I am immensely grateful to have this view at Not Dead Yet Style International Headquarters:

Panoramic pic from the boardwalk.
The dunes are covered with native plants, like sea oats.

And to have this fun guy to wake up with:

We’re both makeup free. He’s the one with the fab hair.
The evening sun when it’s in our face(s) really shows our age, but we’re Not Dead Yet.

Have a fun-filled Saturday and stay fabulous,

Friendly reminder: Visible Monday starts Sunday at around 5PM. Be there for all the visible festivities!

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  1. Okay, clearly I need to attend your next board meeting.
    You guys are such a striking couple!

  2. Hey, you both look great, happy and content. Have a good time. Sunny

  3. You are lucky and it is well deserved, Patti. Stunning photos and you both look so happy!
    I live in the mountains in a very beautiful region where people spend their holidays but the sea is always special for me and gives me the true vacation feeling.

    Annette | Lady of Style

  4. you both are so fabulous with that evening sun on your faces, smiling and looking awesome!!, and so amazing place!!
    besos & not dead yet

  5. You are beautiful Patti! So's the view. I am going to take a page from your book today, and look around my world and just feel gratitude.

  6. Now, I could get use to that view in a heartbeat!! And, you both look fabulous! I'd be plum scary without my makeup. :o) No, you are definitely "not dead yet!"

  7. Such a lovely post my dear … both in visuals and in sentiment! I am a big believer in the power of daily gratitude! You look absolutely radiant and glowing with your love!

    how fun is your Headquarters title … well done!!

  8. What a great post! Gratitude is the attitude. Thank you for the reminder to focus on the good and gracious parts of our lives. By the way, the photograph is awesome. You both look happy, healthy, and in love!

  9. I have done the same thing Patti! I just the other day told my husband, one of the things I love is sleeping in with he and the pups, and just having us all together on the bed in the evening watching tv. I love the smiles and how lovely you look with your hubby there. We are grateful for living in Lake Norman, as some days you wonder how you got lucky living near what feels like a resort. I love the view from your place!!

  10. What a nice post. You certainly have more than most and being grateful is wise.

  11. Nice to meet your other half! I'm so jealous of that ocean view! I need to move someplace like this eventually.

  12. You guys are gorgeous! The beach is gorgeous! I am starting to feel a little homesick for the beach–on of the big things I miss since moving.

  13. You are blessed!! It would be a wonderful view to see each day!

  14. What a wonderful thing it must be, to have that glorious beach and ocean on your doorstep. And it is even more wonderful to see the two of you, looking so happy. Such a very good-looking couple!
    PS. I have to disagree, that evening sun shows gorgeous smiles and contented faces – and even if it didn't, you already know the next line of the song; "but that don't worry me none, in my eyes you're everything"! xxx

  15. What a stunning location, if I didn't love you I'd be green with envy! Gorgeous photos of you two lovebirds! xxxx

  16. I'm trying not to be jealous – it's raining here and it's been a cold spring. But we're healthy and happy and have a nice house and family, so woohoo! Bring on the weekend!

  17. This post made me happy just reading it! I think gratitude can be contagious.

  18. Wow. What a fabulous place to live. You both look super happy and healthy. Nothing better.

    Whatever face cream you're using I seriously need some. I don't see one wrinkle on you!

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