According to this article at Who What Wear, we may be reaching the end of logo-laden clothing and accessories. Apparently, fashion designer Johanna Ortiz has declared that she’s ready to retire “overtly branded pieces”, revealing, “I think I’m done with logomania.” Will other designers fall in behind her?
And how do we feel about the decline of logo-wear? For me, it’s a positive, as I rarely wear anything that’s recognizable as “designer style,” unless my Keds count. When I wear a scarf, I don’t care for the designer’s logo to show and ditto with bags and tees (any tee with a cat or octopus is game-on).
I’ll make an exception for the following, because they’re not too serious, and I’d love to hear your opinions in the comments:
Cute sneakers. There are some amazing women’s sneakers for sale! Sequins, puff balls, metallics, cartoons and more. They’re a traditional piece of clothing that often displays a logo. Converse forever.

These adorable sneaks have the GUESS label on top, but I don’t mind.
“Designer” sunglasses. In quotes because, really, do we need Famous Designers in order to get a cool pair of glasses? So if I do buy a “designer” pair, I want to be sure that name is on the arm, just to be cheeky. Rock me out, Gucci.

These Alexander McQueen’s are mod and funky.
Stay fabulous, be as logo-ish as you like, and see you at the new “Easy does it” Visible Monday,
Reminder: Visible Monday starts Sunday around 5PM. You are invited to share your favorite outfit, accessory, hairstyle or lipstick of the week – anything that made you feel Visible. Be there for the best blogger party and the finest style on the webz!
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Here’s some cool pieces to browse:
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Very Nice Collection.Thanks for sharing keep up the Good work..
I’d be happy to see the end of the logo. I’m not a logo person. On the other hand I do like slogans and am enjoying that we can wear slogans after age 12! Those sparkly trainers are gorgeous.
Count me as “not a fan” of logos, of any size or any brand. There have been many an item that was not bought because of a much front and center logo. Glad to hear that they may be going out of fashion.
Oh my gosh that cat dress is cute!
I’m not into labels. I like something if it is aesthetically pleasing to me, not because of the label.
Agreed. There are beautiful things everywhere we look, no matter the maker. xox
I don’t mind small well designed & placed logos (the polo pony rider, recognizable stitching on the jeans pocket, a zipper pull, etc), but it’s WAY past time to stop seeing that logo that starts with “J” emblazened on female behinds. Then again, IMHO it was never time for it to start in the first place. I’m in the “if they want me to be a billboard, they can pay me” crowd.
LOL! the butt-billboard’s never looked good to me : >
Hello Patti ,
This is a fun question. It is interesting to see certain logos go in and out of style, as well as the larger trend of wearing logos as part of a design.
I don’t mind when Pucci puts their signature as part of a design, but I would not buy it because of it, or despite it…
I personally do not like Prada’s large logo on their bags, but love their clothing. Outside of that I am pretty neutral with logos.
As you know I have never linked up before, I am virginal in that way, lol.
But you make it easy and it is fun to be part of your fun visible Monday’s.
Have a great weekend.
Thanks, Elle, for your kind words and comments! I agree about the PRADA logo – it overwhelms. xox
The first thing I did with my new handbag was remove the inch and 5/8 disk hanging from a strip of leather displaying the designer’s initials. I searched for a long time for a plain leather satchel, not to advertise for the company.
great style story, Jean! thanks for commenting, xo
This so funny…both of my sons refused to wear ANY garment with a logo. How hard it was to find hoodies that did not have GAP or OLD NAVY emblazoned on them and how many times I had to return a gifted piece of expensive clothing from a well meaning relative because of an offending logo or donate it. Although Converse was accepted my oldest attempted to remove the side logo on a pair…with scissors!! My father refused to drive a new car off the dealership lot with the dealer’s name on the back of the vehicle claiming ( as the writer above noted) that he did not advertise for anyone without getting paid!!!
The reality is that we are just paying for the logo, in many cases the item is of inferior quality and overpriced. Nothing looks worse than a woman covered in logos, it screams fashion victim.
Agreed, less is more when it comes to labels. LOL about your son cutting off the Converse label! xo
Avoided Tommy Hilfiger like the plague .. ! I’m all for small, discrete labels or none at all.
Same. xo
Since the 1970s, it has been my contention that, if designers want me to wear their loge as advertisement, THEY can pay ME for the privilege. Have even been known to pick out embroidered logos on blouses, or cover them with a patch or pocket of my own design.
Fortunately, I can sew my own clothing. I still like to wear designer stuff (when it is well-made; and I thrift all my designer stuff), but their labels must must must be hidden.
how great you can make your own clothing – you can put your own name on it if you want! xo