Changes Afoot, And Treats In the Mail


With the announced end of Google Reader it’s possible/likely Google Friend Connect may soon be history as well. I hope you’ll still want to follow Not Dead Yet Style to keep up with my musings and not-dead-yet fashions. Please consider following via Bloglovin’ here. It’s a simple and clean site, and I use it daily to read dozens of my favorite blogs. You may find you even prefer their format to Google’s, as they give you nice big pictures of the blogs in your reader.

You can also follow me via Twitter, where I am making a more energetic effort to tweet my posts, and cross-tweet others. Click here, or just tweet me @PattiNotDeadYet. I’ll follow you back if I’m not already doing so!

At my age, I can get anxious about changes in technology. But there’s always something really cool to come out of these upheavals, so let’s hang together and stay connected. I rely on reading your blogs and your comments to make my day complete.
Speaking of a happy day, I came home from work to find a package from lovely Megan of Megan Mae Daily. We’d agreed to do a swap because I was coveting her green full skirt, and she liked it but didn’t lurve it. Well, I lurve it. As soon as I opened the package, I tore off my work skirt and tossed on the green goodness. Thanks Megan, it’s my new favorite skirt. I even got an unsolicited “Cute!” from my husband on the way out the door.
Megan also included a lovely orange scarf, a fab button-flower made with fabric sent to her by Tamera, the Menopausal Supermodel (see what I mean about how we have synergy?) and a one-of-a-kind notebook. What a treat to start the weekend!
Notebook, scarf, button-flower and handmade card – it felt like
my birthday.
And – this quote. How true, so true.

Please join us for Visible Monday! We open early, on Sunday evening, and party on through Monday. Everyone is invited to participate!

Join us! Click the Spotlight
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  1. Oh, man, I am so far behind, but THANK YOU for this PSA; I have been wondering what on earth I was going to do now that Google plans on shuttering Reader, and you have just made my day with this suggestion.

  2. Actually, Patti … you are the first on my "favorite blogs" bookmark file! Like Rome, all roads lead to Patti's Visible Monday! You can't run, you can't hide from all of us … we'll follow you like baby ducks! See you at VM, but late as usual.

  3. Now I feel totally useless, because I don't use any of these things! I just follow blogs off my blog list, I didn't even realise there was any other way to do it!

    Lovely package from Megan. xxxx

  4. Blurgh on having to learn more technology! I read right out of Blogger Dashboard and haven't a clue whether that will be affected as I sometimes see the "Reader" icon in the browser address bar even so. I like to see followers via GFC for being able to check out their blogs if they have one, and so far with Bloglovin' I can see my total # of followers but only a very few of their profiles / links to their blogs. Ah well, I'll adjust.

    Very dear treat package from Megan Mae – she sends the best mail! Look forward to seeing the cute skirt on you.

  5. Hi Patti, thanks for the nudge (and from Bethie the Boo too), I have made the switch. I also feel 'eeeky' about new technology, glad it isn't just me xx

  6. I made the switch to bloglovin' last night. I'm still holding out hope that google reader hangs on, but if not, I've already made the switch. I don't love the bloglovin' layout, but it's easier than most of the alternatives. So glad to have a successful swap!

  7. Ugh, yeah I'm getting burnt out as technology changes at a far more rapid pace than I want to go at this point! Thanks for the heads up tho–I see now blogger is pushing blogger+ now so that will probably be the way of the future. I'll follow you till the …well you know the tune…

  8. I also get so anxious about technology changing all the time. I don't even have a cell phone and I'm not on Twitter – I wouldn't have time to read books!

    I THINK I can get along without Google Reader because I just go through Blogger now anyway. Guess I'll just have to see how things pan out…

    What a fun package of treats! The color of the scarf is lovely, and I can't wait to see the green skirt!

  9. I just switched over to Bloglovin' because I didn't like GR. Then I found out GR was going away. Cool. Switch already done and I deleted most of the blogs I really didn't want to follow anymore. Kept yours though. Fun idea to on the swap!

  10. I recently started a blog and after being awol for a couple of years I felt lost. I looked in vain to find peer blogs and wasn't having any luck. What a treasure trove I've found here. Sorry for gushing but I'm uber excited to find your blog and to see your blogroll.

  11. I hadn't heard reader was going away. I was active on Blogger a few years earlier and preferred to read from sites and not the reader. I've added you to my bloglist and I joined Bloglovin'. Wish I had found you sooner. Anyhoo, I'll simply play catch-up.

  12. Can't wait to see the skirt!! I'm horrid with technology. We'll just see what happens if there are more changes…
    Becky πŸ™‚

  13. This is a very East Aisian approach to life. Great inspiration. Thanks for posting and feel free to drop by me too when you have time.

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