Beauty Rituals: Do You Ever Get Weary Of Yours?

Do you ever get just the slightest bit weary of your beauty rituals? I do. I really, really like the finished product: groomed brows, neat nails, smooth legs, lack of visible silver streak at root-line, etc. But sometimes I would like to take the opposite of a spa-vacation, and let everything “go”. No, not in that terrible sense of, “Have you seen Patti? She’s Letting Herself Go.” Just a wee break from the routine.

Scholarly research has determined that American women aged 18 – 64 spend an average of 6.4 hours per week on personal care, and many countries’ averages are much higher (Italian women spend 7.2 hours, with French women lagging at a surprising 5.4 hours). I reckon I am right in there with the US average, but it’s hard to be sure, when one brushes teeth while reading blogs, or files nails while doing yoga stretches.

If we were the type of family that went camping, I can imagine putting all those rituals away for a week. I wouldn’t look scary, just a little pale and perhaps a touch hirsute. My nails might be raggedy and my elbows rough, but all my friends would still recognize and (hope!) love me.

This article has some great tips for camping beauty, if that’s your thing!

The dread pandemic and associated quarantine cut into my grooming and beauty rituals, as no one would see me for days at a time. For eighteen months I had quit makeup except for lipstick (then said lipstick smeared under my mask) and brow powder. An odd combination of face paint, eh? But we are going out more now, and we don’t want to scare the horses.

“Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well.”

-Naya Rivera

Perhaps I will give beauty-light routines a try for the weekend. Non-negotiable: thorough daily wash, teeth scrubbing, sunscreen. (Hey, that sounds suspiciously like my husband’s complete beauty routine, every day, except add a shave). OK to skip: makeup, leg shaving, facial masks and jade rollers, nail polish, CoolSculpting (kidding!) and hair spray.

“I’m tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That’s deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas?”

Jean Kerr

Have you ever had the urge to take a break from maintenance? Are you already a low-maintenance woman? Or does the very thought give you the shivers? As always, I love to hear your views!

Stay fabulous, xo

Wear what you love, always. Here are some goodies to browse:


Please be aware that links to vendors may be affiliate links. I may benefit from your purchases through the links on the blog. Header photo by Poko Skincare on Unsplash.

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  1. I do daily make-up if I’m leaving the house and going to work or being in public – I’m quick, as it’s only 15 minutes. I designate one day a week to “body maintenance”: shave legs and pits, deep condition my hair, trim nails/toenails and pluck stray eyebrow hairs.

    Maintaining my physical outer shell feels like self-care to me – when I stop doing it, I’m usually going into a depression spiral. If I keep it up, it’s one thing I know I have under control.

    Hope you are well, Patti!

  2. Hi Patti. I have a style question that has nothing to do with this week’s topic. You seem to be very good about responding to questions/comments, so I’m hoping you will answer it. (Over the last year or so I’ve asked the same question of 4 other bloggers and not gotten a single reply, which was a big surprise). Here goes:

    It is suggested that we use the “rule of thirds” when planning our style. Rather than having our clothes hit us midway down our body, each piece should be either 1/3 or 2/3 the length of the body. What I don’t know is, does this measurement include the head, or is the “length of the body” just from the neck down? It makes a big difference, since heads are pretty sizable!

    Again, I’d appreciate it so much if you would answer my question.

    • Hi Judy and thanks for coming by. I have a good eye for what works on my body, but I don’t use the 1/3 vs 2/3 rule. In fact, I don’t fully understand it! But I got this from Tim Gunn, a style and fashion guru: “With regards to proportion, look at yourself as cut in thirds from your shoulders to your toes. You want either one-third on top and two-thirds on bottom (as in a shirt and pants) or two-thirds on top and one-third on bottom (as in a dress). ”

      So Tim recommends leaving our heads out of it, and you’re right, they are sometimes sizable (my own head has a 23″ circumference). It looks like we measure from the neck down. Great question! Here’s the article:
      Stay well and fab, xx.

      • Thanks so much for your reply, Patti! I just knew you’d be the one to answer my question. So now I know — heads don’t count. Like you, I have a good eye for what works for me, but I’d always been curious about the “thirds” thing.

        Hmm . . . I also have a 23″ head and am married to a (retired) rocket scientist! Small world.

  3. Hi! I put on makeup every day even when not leaving the house. It’s such a habit from way back that I just don’t skip it. I hate doing it though. I tried doing the minimalist makeup routine and I don’t like the results. I need mascara!! I need eyebrow makeup!! I need blush!! I guess there will be no taking a break from it. Oh well. Hope all is well with you. Arlene from NJ

    • Hi Arlene and thanks for coming over. Sounds like you’ve got a cheerful routine, and a familiar one. Keep up the good work and stay fab! xx

  4. Took me to 61 and a global pandemic to discover wax strips, woo hoo, smooth legs and underarms, and lasts for weeks. These days with all the zoom meetings I do feel I need to use a bit of makeup, especially on my brows which seem to disappear on the screen. Tinted moisturiser and cheek bronzer and a bit of lippy, I am ready to go. Love your blog Patti.

    • Hi Lynette and thanks for coming over! And thanks for the tip about wax strips, I will try them. I’m using my husband’s electric shaver now and it’s leaving a pile of stubble : > Have a great weekend, xx.

  5. As always so great to receive your post thank you .I also do get weary of beauty work but find those beauty and grooming rituals so worth the time and effort as they soften the effects of aging and increase a feeling of confidence and attractiveness.when out in the world. Following French styling advice I find natural skin care and minimal makeup the best and also the easiest a win win triompher.

    • Thank you Joan, for your kind words and thoughtful opinions! I hope your weekend is wonderful, and take good care, xx.

  6. 6.4 hours a week, I wonder if that includes showers. Does it include teeth brushing? I have questions. I think I would be way higher than that, but I just don’t know. If I let myself go, I would probably resemble a mix between Martin Scorsese and Tom Selleck by week’s end, because HIRSUTE. I feel that. I put on makeup every day, even when I’m not going anywhere, because I don’t want to scare MYSELF when I look in the mirror! Hahaha!

    • Nicole, you are hilarious! I’m trying to picture a cross between Tom Selleck and Martin Scorsese and it hurts my head. And points for using the word-of-the-day in a sentence. Stay fab, xx.

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