Another Fab Blogger Meet, and Great Eyebrow Stuff

Nothing better than a creamy latte, and a blogger meet-up. I was lucky to catch the lovely Sabina of Ocean Blue Style, just before she left the city for her native Frankfurt. I wish we’d had more time, because she’s a fascinating woman. She teaches English to adults in Germany, she wrote her Masters Thesis on The American Presidency, and she loves style too.

After we covered religion and politics (I know, taboo! but it was effortless with this thoughtful woman) we walked to Sephora together. Sabina had been given a tip on a brow product, and we both bought this:

Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade. I bought Blonde, and used it already; good stuff.
We asked a charming young Australian man to take our photo. I said “We met on the Internet.”
And he said “Here’s to Internet love!”
We take this picture every visit. The Arch at Washington Square and the Empire State in the background.

Have a warm and cozy day, and stay fabulous,

Announcements! Visible Monday will be off this coming weekend, and will return on Monday, November 10th! I’ll be traveling in the interim and won’t always have a great Wi-Fi connection. Please come over on the 10th (actually the Sunday night before), for the best link-up party on the webz!

Linking up with Judith’s Hat Attack!

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  1. Blogger meet-ups are the best! No exception here. Love the photo of you in Washington Square. And of course your "bangs as hat." Thank you for sharing with Hat Attack!

  2. The kimono on you is fabulous! I think this is my favorite look for you so far; I can see why you want another. I'm so glad you got to do a blogger meet-up, and that you two connected so deeply.

  3. I love what you're wearing! So chic! And I note the clip in bangs are useful during travel 🙂 xo JJ

  4. Thank you Sabina! I hope we'll have more time next October! It was a great pleasure to meet you. xox

  5. Hurray for Internet Love! How lovely to meet up with another blogger and get on fabulously, and you look gorgeous in Washington Square. Here's to many more photos in that same spot! xxx

  6. I've used Anastasia products, but haven't tried the pomade yet! They keep coming out with improvements! I will try this, and also the brow wiz! Happy to see you had a chance to enjoy a blogger meet up!

  7. Dearest Patti you are just the most pleasant and sophisticated fellow blogger I have met so far. And the only thing I totally regret is that we did not have more time to spend together. Talking with someone like you who is so open minded and interested in the world is such a treat and really rare. And I think I will just link my post with yours because there is just no topping your brilliant photo of our fabulous brow shadow. Have a safe trip back to FL and lets talk soon! Lots of love, Sabina @Oceanblue Style

  8. Sabine told me that you met…how much fun! Is that your fabulous kimono?? You are having quite the adventures this time, Patti!

  9. You look fantastic by The Arch, what a gorgeous outfit.
    Another blogger meet? How fab! I love what the photographer said.
    Before I had my eyebrows inked on I used a Benefit product called Brow-Zing which looked very similar to yours. xxx

  10. LOL…I love what the guy told you when you said you met on the internet : )

    So cool you managed another blogger meet-up. Looks like you are having a brilliant time.


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