Have you heard of Ulthera? It’s a high-tech skin treatment that’s been performed for about nine years, and its makers describe it as “the only non-invasive procedure FDA-cleared to lift skin on the neck, under the chin and on the eyebrow.” The above pic is not me in my “after” photos : >
Ulthera works using ultrasound to heat and stimulate the collagen at three different levels of the skin. The science explains this “injury” will kickstart the collagen production process, and eventually – in two to three months – gives the skin a lift/tightening. That’s just what I wanted for the skin that’s loosening around my mouth and chin.
It’s not a substitute for a facelift (later for that, kids) but it’s supposed to produce visible, satisfactory results. It’s “the only non-invasive treatment cleared by the FDA to actually lift skin.” And it’s the “non-invasive” part that got my attention. After my wrist trauma, pain, and surgery I wasn’t volunteering for any scalpels, bruises, stitches, or misery.
So here I am in the procedure room, after being pre-medicated with painkillers and anti-anxiety meds. Thus the stoned eyes. Also, I’m lying on my back, the absolute best position to take facial close-ups!
The pre-procedure meds were recommended by my doc (a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon) as Ulthera can be painful: a series of zaps all over the face. With my meds, and a previous layer of numbing cream, I felt only the slightest discomfort, and the nurse kept me distracted and laughing. It was all done in about 30 minutes, and Nurse Vickie gave my face a soothing massage with a rich cream.
And here I am in the car going home (NOT driving!), still looking buzzed, but feeling no pain at all. You can see the redness over the treated area, but that was gone a few hours later. That is, after a long nap and some cool cloths on my face. I look completely normal as I write this on Tuesday, and feel great.
I’ll follow up with you in a couple of months to evaluate the changes, if any. Please know I’m not recommending anyone do this, or any procedure, to your body unless you’ve researched like crazy. I must’ve read a hundred articles about Ulthera (you’ll find mostly good outcomes, but some dissatisfied patients), and interviewed two Board Certified physicians.
We are beautiful at any age. None of us “needs” any cosmetic procedures. I wanted one, to make my face look fresher, and to treat myself to a boost after a body-scarring injury. As always, you do you.
Stay fabulous and enjoy every sandwich, xo
P.S. I received no discount, or compensation of any kind for writing about Ulthera. These are my own thoughts.
It’s also cool to go the non-medical route with good skin care products and sunscreen:

Hi Patty,
I’m really interested on your follow up story and perhaps some pictures of the before and few months after result. Thanks
I hope this turns out really well for you Patti. You’re a gem to share the experience with us. Even though it’s a non invasive procedure it still takes courage to share it with us!!
Thanks for sharing this with us. I don’t know much about this procedure but would love to see your before photo as well!
thanks Janise! The top pic is “before” the procedure. xo
Sound interesting, but not for me, I think! Still curious to know the results … xxx
agree, it’s a personal decision. I’ll keep you informed! xo
So exciting!!!!!!
hugs, Becky! xo
I am interested to hear your follow up and if the procedure lives up to its claims. Thanks for sharing this with us Patti!
thanks for your comments, Kellyann. xo
VERY interested to see what you think of it Patti. I’ve read a lot about Ulthera (it’s called Ultherapy here) and it does sound very tempting.
I will def. keep you informed! xo
I know someone that got this done but the results weren’t as good as she would have liked. (Are they ever?)
I’ll be interested to see how you find the results. I do know that we don’t get any anti anxiety drugs up here prior to the appointment. Just some face numbing cream. I need to write about my BBL experience! Ha ha! I still haven’t told the story of becoming a Cabbage Patch Kid.
Ah you Canadians are not as anxious as we are here below! Please, please tell your story, and you’re right – the results are never as good as we hoped : > xox