Help Me Blow A Hundred Bucks At Nordie’s

I had a dreary experience trying to fly home from Vancouver earlier this month. My flight was delayed about 15 hours and I spent a long, cold night trying to sleep on airport chairs (don’t even try). It’s a long story that doesn’t need re-telling. But I did write what I thought was a kick-ass letter to the airline’s CEO, requesting material compensation. Here’s a scrap of my letter:

[Your]communication with us customers was misleading. I received ten (really, ten) notifications of delayed departure times. That’s a lot of dangling, hour after hour, with bad information. In the middle of the night, in a cold airport, with understandably cranky/loud children. Total misery, most of which could have been avoided.

I heard from one of the airline reps yesterday. She was full of apologies, very empathetic, and said she’d authorized a small refund for the last leg of my trip. I pointed out that the “squeaky wheel” passengers were boasting of bigger rebates, and why should those of us who remained calm get less?


Some passengers squeaked more than others . . .

Running out of options, I reckon, the rep offered me a $100 gift card. I could use it any number of ways, and I’ve chosen Nordie’s. I almost never shop full price retail, so this could be an enlightening experience. Wanna help?  (We donated an equal amount to RAICES to help with legal support for the families separated at the US border.)

Here are three contenders for my airline consolation gift. Let me know your favorite in the comments, if you’d be so kind.

A denim skirt with some personality. I’ve always had a classic, knee length, zip front model; now I’d like to try something more lively.

Love these ruffles. They might make choosing a top more challenging, but a black tank will always work.

Summer shoes, which means nine-month shoes in Florida. I have shoes, oh yeah, but wouldn’t a red fabric wedge, with 40’s flair, be festive? And I could look down and be reminded of the first-world “suffering” I went through to get them. Could Nordie’s ease the pain?

These wedges look comfortable and fun to wear.

An unexpected pendant to add color to my everyday uniforms.

I like the two unrelated stones on this one.


Also in the running: a flamingo scarf or art pillows for our NYC studio. No bad choices, eh?


Wear what you love, and stay fabulous, xox,


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Some fab pieces to browse through from Nordie’s:

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  1. poor dear lady, dealing with companies could be so annoying!, and I totally agree on ‘why should those of us who remained calm get less?’ It’s something that has happened to me too and I felt like if being vociferous had a reward!
    Glad that you got some money!, I’d vote for the denim skirt, but the shoes look really comfy and also a sensible option!

  2. Patti,
    What a dreadful experience – it is very frustrating when things go wrong but profoundly so when those responsible do not except responsibility. !!
    Flying has gotten to be such a miserable experience as often as not. It is very sad. I commend you for your donation and I am glad to know about that organization. I will follow suit.
    On a lighter note, my favorite by far, is the red denim wedges. You definitely need some dancing shoes,

  3. A box of chocolates!? Hahaha. At LEAST you squeaked and got a bit of grease for that. As for which to choose, I really don’t know. I see positives with all of these, you can’t go wrong, but I like the suggestion to wait for the sales. I think these pieces would look smashing ALL TOGETHER. Maybe that’s your secret plan?! Hahaha.

  4. Wait for the Nordie’s big summer sale. That skirt suits your svelte frame and looks like a year round option for Florida weather.

  5. I’m glad you were compensated for that horrendous delay.
    I wouldn’t know where to start with retail shopping – the things you picked out are all very you but the cushions are calling me most! xxx

  6. I’d say the red shoes. But if you want to avoid full price, I think Nordies should have their Half Yearly sale coming up soon. Maybe worth the wait to see if anything goes on sale or if something else tickles your fancy.

  7. It’s a whole different ballgame when you shop retail isn’t it?

    I’m happy to learn you at least were compensated a bit for that nightmare of a flight back home…and more than a box of chocolates which is a total joke! I would have expected a free flight to the same destination. Mind you, maybe you never want to fly with them again.

    I love the skirt and the shoes but I think you might use the necklace the most. There is a whole lot more justification that goes into buying retail.


    • It s a different world, yes! I keep thinking, “If I’m patient, I’ll find this at the thrift for $10.” xox

  8. The skirt is cute, and would look great with one of your fun tees, but i vote for those red shoes. They’re so cheerful and would transform any outfit from jeans to dresses. But if you think you’d always regret not getting the necklace, then go for it.

  9. We have sales very shortly here, do you? Maybe you could have 2 treats instead of one. 🙂

  10. I love the pendant and the skirt and I applaud you speaking up and pointing out how ‘complaining’ is rewarded, but would be unnecessary if companies would extend unprompted fair compensation to begin with….
    Squeaky wheel thing is a real conundrum for me—-I probably didn’t state my example right, but v cool about you making a donation, as well.

    • Big YES to companies being more pro-active about customer service! I didn’t say in my post that we all got a box of chocolates for consolation too. : >

  11. You go, squeaky wheel! How smart of you to stand up and say, “Not cool!” I’m glad the airline listened, at least a little. Now you get to go shopping!

    It’s a toss-up for me between the shoes and the necklace. When I saw the shoes, I drooled a little. They’re just so red and sassy and lovely. When I saw the necklace, I thought, “That’s Patti.” If I were purchasing one of these things for you, I’d choose the necklace.


    • Thanks Sherry, I value your opinion! The necklace is getting more support. : >

  12. Poor thing. That was a rough experience after such a delightful meeting with the girls. Bummer.
    Now, for your refund… I would go for the red wedgies. This is my two cents.

  13. Shoes, shoes, shoes! The skirt is great but maybe will look dated soon? But a sassy pair of red comfortable heels is a frivolous AND wearable purchase! It is frustrating though that you have to behave badly to get anywhere and that politeness week leave you ignored and un listened to.

    • Love that phrase “frivolous and wearable”! Thanks for coming by, xo.

  14. The denim skirt looks pretty but I would steer clear from the extra bulk and too much fabric that I think the ruffle detail will have. The shoes IMHO are over-priced for what they are made of and the rope on the heels always comes off on the espadrilles I have had and gets really shabby looking quickly. The pink flamingo scarf is so pretty – but what a price for 100% viscose! I think I would go for the pendant – very interesting – but again what are the baubles made of – doesn’t really say, unless I have missed it. I also don’t shop at full price much – tends to be a big rip-off. Glad you got some re-imbursement from the airline for their bad service. Lise

    • Thanks for the feedback, Lise. I don’t mind some bulk around my middle as I’m underweight. But I am leaning towards the pendant, I think I’ll wear it a lot. xo

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