Visible Monday Reminder, and Off To NYC

We are on our way to NYC today, for our annual wedding anniversary (15 years!) and Halloween visit. You know by now I am in love with that city, all its energy, culture, and ten thousand coffee shops. Oh, and some vintage/thrift shopping as well, heh.



Hang on McSorley’s we are coming.


Reminder: Visible Monday starts Sunday around 5PM. Be there for the best blogger party and the finest style on the webz!

Join us! Click the Spotlight:




Stay fabulous,


Browse the pretty things:

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  1. Too bad our paths didn’t cross on NYC Patti. Thanks for the great recommendations for thrift and vintage shopping although however hard we planned our walking routes we couldn’t fit in all your suggestions. Next time, for sure.

  2. Personally, I would skip McSorley’s and go around the corner to the venerable Noho Star, which defies categorization but is always good…and very hip.

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