The Beauty of Experience

The beauty of experience. I’ve been thinking about how aging or experience translates to beauty. That’s what aging is, after all – experience at living. And experience helps us in every area of our lives: at parenting, at our jobs and relationships, at managing money and homes and hobbies.

So can it help us be more beautiful and stylish? I think yes. Here are some of the ways experience can make us more beautiful:

  • We don’t doubt ourselves as we select our wardrobes, so we are more sure of our choices.
  • Our style reflects who we are more closely — because we know who we are, more confidently each year.
  • We take the time and make the effort to take good care of ourselves. If budgets allow, we get massages and pedicures. If not, at least we know how to turn down the noise and take a long, fragrant bath.
  • We’ve learned how to accept, style and work with our hair, to its best advantage. No more straightenings for me, or setting my hair on juice cans. Let the frizz fly.
  • We are not so self-conscious in our clothes as we once were. We get dressed, have a good look in the mirror, add or subtract a piece and go about our day. Because . . .
  • We know what works!
We’ve learned to live with our hair!

I did a mini closet clean-out last week. After laying my summer clothes out on the bed, I tried them on to see if I still said “Oh, yeah!” when I looked in the mirror. “Do I still love this?” and “Do I want to wear this right away?” The Yes pieces got put back in the closet.

There were a few easy No’s – that just don’t fit right anymore, or are too worn. Then there are the very nice pieces that I haven’t worn in a long time, e.g., an elegant Trina Turk tux-style blazer. It’s in perfect condition, and it’s my size. But it skews formal and it’s a little masculine for me. That’s why I haven’t worn it, duh! I’ll try it again this Fall, with jeans and a blouse.

It’s not this one, but similar.

“All your life you’re yellow. Then one day you brush up against something blue, the barest touch, and voila, the rest of your life you’re green.”

-Tess Callahan

I have mastered my own style so that it’s easier to say No, whether at the store or in my closet, to pieces that are not Truly Me. That’s the beauty of experience.

What do you think? Has aging helped make you more beautiful, by giving you that extra boost of wardrobe confidence? Or are you thinking: shut up, Patti, I’ll take 29 and inexperienced any day?  : >

Stay fabulous, xo

Wear what you love, always. Here are some goodies to browse:

Please be aware that links to vendors may be affiliate links. I may benefit from your purchases through the links on the blog. Header photo by Brian McGowan on Unsplash.

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  1. I do love the idea that experience is the advantage of getting older. I for one feel more sure with my choices (although there’s always room for learning). It feels so good to be freer and choose what we like as opposed to what everyone else is wearing.
    I’ve been trying so hard not to purge as willy nilly since I’ve learned most isn’t well recycled. But there is still something here or there that just doesn’t work anymore, and it’s great to pass it on.

  2. I feel that I am getting better with wardrobe confidence. I have had to adjust to how to dress since I retired four years ago and it has literally taken the four years for me to learn how to dress myself in this new phase of life. Sounds silly I know, but I did not do what I have heard is the typical six month adjustment to retirement. It has taken me much longer.

    • Hi Debbie and thanks for your comments! It doesn’t sound silly at all – retirement is a whole new adventure and I for sure wasn’t ready for it after 6 months. I’m just starting now to sleep late : > Work your style and stay well, xx.

  3. Oooh! Try the Trina Turk blazer on with a t-shirt and one of your super cute frilly skirts!

  4. Brava saw your elf advice on 7/30/21 on Bloglovin’ Daily Digest ( you do give great advice on fashion,beauty and life so great others will also now benefit. I find with age I am better able to appreciate beauty in people, nature ,art and life. I have learned to create personal external beauty via fashion neutral outfits paired with beautiful print scarves and beautifully designed jewelry my favorite tools. Internal beauty comes from kindness to others and self .I find that making a daily effort to fix myself up the best possible each day helps me feel attractive( my senior term for beautiful) and marvelous.

    • Hi Joan and thanks for coming by today! It’s lovely to be able to appreciate beauty in all its forms. Your style sounds like you – authentic and refined. And we are still beautiful in our senior years. Stay well, xx.

  5. Oh, Patti, you always hit the nail right on the head! Aging brings experience, self acceptance and deep pain, too. I think this all helps us see the big picture and focus more on what’s really important. Thanks for writing such great blog posts.

    • Hi Kerri Lee and thanks for your feedback, you’re very kind! The big picture becomes more and more important as we move through the years, so true. Stay well and fabulous, xo -p

  6. Good morning Patti!
    Most everything I buy has to pass the “gotta love it” test. During this pandemic, I have cleaned out my closets of clothes that were too big, too worn, or had just fallen out of favor.

    • Good morning to you, Tami, and I hope you’re well. The pandemic has been a great time for re-assessing our closets, yeah? Enjoy your day, xx.

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