Out With The Drab, In With The Fab, Part II

Last week we talked about the power of The Shoe to elevate an outfit. Today I’ve been pondering The Scarf.

I have to preface this with a confession: I am a hapless scarf-arranger. I have studied the very helpful videos that abound on the ‘nets. I’ve practiced in front of the mirror. But I still cannot finish looking as chic as Une Femme or Pam, or so many other stylish bloggers who’ve mastered the art.

That said, I am re-introducing the scarf into my wardrobe with enthusiasm. I have sorted through my scarf drawer and eliminated the drab: mousy prints, tired chiffon squares. I’ve identified the “fab” scarves and moved them to the front.

A fab scarf has personality, like these, in my humblest opinion:

Nordstroms, $14 (yes!)
Nordstroms, $25

While I’d love to own an Hermes, I haven’t paid very much for any of my scarves. I usually find them at thrifts and consignments, or buy them on eBay. I’ve had very good luck at this eBay Store.

I must point you to the more skilled scarf-ers for ideas on how to best style your treasures. For now I am draping them around my neck, with maybe one loose wrap, like this:


Or tying one into my hair like this:


Or onto my purse:


Or as a belt:

I love this look! Source.

Do you use scarves to brighten your wardrobe? Are you a scarf novice or a ninja?

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  1. Oh I'm a scarves lover, despite I don't know lots of ways to wear them specially on Winter I can feel almost naked without my scarf.
    Love that belted way!!!
    Have a nice weekend

  2. great post! I love scarves, I design and make organic artisan scarves (but sorry, nothing in the $12.00-$24.00 range!) but I thought you lovely scarf-loving ladies would like some additional ideas for simple ways to wear or tie your scarves! A phot and the directions to do it are included! (placing the link to my website to show it to you, if that's ok.)http://beaumondeorganics.com/how-to-wear-a-beau-monde-scarf/
    hope you enjoy!

  3. I loved them before and I still love them now. I own about 30 and I 'm saving for a hermes and even if it's too hot for my neck it's not too hot for one around my bag!

  4. I am totes into the scarf worn as everything! I love how they are a inexpensive and lively way to add color, prints, anything really to your wardrobe. Need a bit a leopard? Wear it as a scarf? Want some luxurious silk or cashmere? Scarf me please! I wear scarves as belts quite often, as they are a great wear to cinch the waist without pinching my middles, AND I love to tie one on- the neck for added boost of flavor!

  5. I have SO many scarves, it's actually kind of crazy, but I love them so. I don't know that I'm a particularly skilled styler and tie-r of scarves, but I'm good at draping, and they can so so much to save an otherwise blah outfit.

    They always slip out of my hair though. I need more practice, and skillful placement of bobby pins, I suspect.

  6. I've always loved and worn scarves, but increasingly, I'm no longer satisfied with the square and long polyester hand-me-down-types I started out with in high school (raided my mom's scarf drawer, lol)!  Now that I'm looking for more quality versions and shapes, I'm having trouble finding what I want in the stores I usually shop (Target, Marshall's/TJmaxx).  I don't shop pricey places or online, so I'm not exactly sure where to go to find what I'm looking for.  I haven't hard much luck thrifting but will keep trying.  Perhaps I'll try some department stores next.

    I love the scarf on the purse thing, especially in hot weather.  Thanks for the reminder!

  7. One of my resolutions a few years ago was to wear the scarves I owned, including those I had inherited from my mother and not given away.  I have been successful, for the most part, and now I enjoy wearing them.  The most important thing I learned is that if I like the scarf, I don't really care how it is tied, so long as the color and pattern can be seen – and as a result, my impulsive knotting and draping has evoked compliments from others, who think I have some secret.  What I can't do is wear a scarf, or any kind of fabric besides a bandana for cleaning-day, in my hair.  Just can't bring myself to do it, and I don't really want to.  The thing about scarves – they should be fun!

  8. I don't think I'm a scarf ninja because I have difficulty arranging them correctly as well. I have been wearing them for years and went through a period when I wore nothing but big pashminas instead of jackets. Recently I've been having a jacket craze and the scarves are being worn less, but that doesn't mean I don't like them. My personal quest is to find a vintage Hermes scarf!

  9. Scarves and handbags are my favorite fashion accessories.  I tend to wear large silk squares more than anything else.  I do have a couple of smaller ones that I tie on handbags too.  They are so fun and versatile–easy to pack.  Can't go wrong with them.  And I love one with great color or interesting pattern too.

  10. My issue with putting them in my hair is that they've got to be tied tightly and that usually wrinkles the scarf.  When I wear it again not in my hair it'll need to be ironed.

    I think a scarf looks and feels most natural if it has some utility.  I like them tucked into a sweater to spare my neck from scratchy wool, wrapped around my neck over my chest for warmth on a cool day, running down the side of a jacket (possibly held with a pin) to form a lapel, draped over my shoulders when the A/C is too high. 

    They are decorative, but have purpose.

  11. I do love scarves but often times I end up taking them off because they sometimes feel confining. But I do like the pop of color as long as the weather isn't too warm. I've tried to tie them in my hair now and then but that's really a challenge!

  12. I'm a complete scarf dork. I have a huge collection because I can't resist the pretty colors, but for the life of me, I can't get any of the fancy scarf-tying techniques to look artistic or graceful. I always go back to the double loop around the neck or the square knot in front.

  13. I am Salome of the scarves and I dance with seven veils. I always carry a scarf, just in case the AC is too much. Even if it's 80 during the day, nights here in LA get surprisingly chilly, especially in my neighborhood near the beach. And if really desperate, I've got my smiley blankie in the car!

  14. I think you know that I like scarves a lot! (Have you tried Sally's "pretzel knot" yet?) I learned so many techniques when working on that post, but I am still not the greatest of scarf-wranglers — there are really only two ties, the pretzel being one of them, that always work for me. So I guess I've moved beyond the novice stage, but I am still not a Ninja! I did just buy a new, lightweight scarf in light, springy colors that I can't wait to wear.

  15. I'd love to learn to make one work in my hair.  I probably own 15 scarves now…and hardly ever wear them though I've watched DejaPseu's videos and always admire them.  I need to make more of an effort, but sometimes they don't feel like "me."

  16. I think I'm somewhere between ninja and novice with scarves – I love them but I don't wear them nearly enough. I love them tied onto purses, though!

  17. I love them!  I have been collecting them for years.  I have little ones, silk  and everything in between.  I even made jewelry for them!  On a more serious note,  thank you so much for you kind wishes.  Our family is going through a tough time and I can only pray for the best!

  18. Oh my! Looks great as a belt, and I love the $25 scarf from Nordie too. I have a closet full of scarves. May need to update and add something orange this year.

  19. I love scarves!! I'm always on the hunt in thrift store–especially for vintage or "name" ones. I don't wear them as much in the summer 9heat) but i adore them to punch up a winter outfit!

  20. I'm a journeyman ninja.  I don't do well with these types of silky scarves,  though I have a ton, but I can rock an infinity scarf and a rectangular cashmere scarf like nobodies business.

    Maybe I'll try the belt-over-scarf layered look to finally wear my silky scarves.  Or I'll get rid of them.  What with the Great Closet Purge of 2012 and all.

  21. I just wrote my last Paris post on scarves…I love them so!!  You picked out some pretty ones here!  Thanks for the mention and for reminding me that I don't have a peach one!!

  22. The best I've been able to do is either a scarf in my hair or tied up in a faux-pussy bow style. I cannot get scarves to drape well around my neck, but I dislike things around my neck anyway so I'm often searching for alternative ways to wear my scarves. I love that belted option!

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