It’s The Simple Things That Make Life Good

It is truly the simple things that make our lives good. Friends, hot coffee, a tasty dinner and a glass of wine, stimulating conversation, a beautiful sunrise, an intriguing new novel. As we get older, we realize that the best times were not defined by our job titles, or salary, or the square footage of our homes.

At 61, almost-62, I can say that for myself the best moments and achievements are now quieter, more personal. Nobody knows or cares what executive parking space I used to have, or whether I got to eat in the Important People Dining Room. Now a good day means I wake up with a smile on my face, looking forward to the day’s simple things.

octopus tee downtown

I love hanging out in our small downtown, with a couple of thrift stores and coffee shops and pubs to keep me occupied.


My wardrobe is simpler too as the years pass (and they seem to be accelerating, can that be true?). An everyday uniform might be a pair of faded crop jeans (similar) and a leather belt (sim), with a new octopus tee (sim) and old suede oxfords (sim). I still do like to dress up occasionally but just for my own entertainment or for the symphony. Oh who am I kidding, I wear a knit dress, tights and booties to the symphony. Most of us in our 60’s follow no strict dress code, nor do we crave others’ approval. Freedom!

I hope you are enjoying all the wonderful simple things today: pet your dog on the head, brew a second cup of coffee, and put on your favorite music. We are Not Dead Yet. xox


Reminder: Visible Monday starts Sunday around 5PM. You are invited to share your favorite outfit, accessory, hairstyle or lipstick of the week – anything that made you feel Visible. Be there for the best blogger party and the finest style on the webz!

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Stay fabulous,


Some things are always welcome in my closet:

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  1. Always so thoughtful. Last weekend was spent just as you said, enjoying all the wonderful simpler things like forgetting about an alarm clock, spending time with friends, and exploring new places. I long for the time for when this will be a daily occurrence instead of a weekend getaway.


  2. I agree with you (and Suzanne). My focus has shifting from career to things that matter to me — friends, connection and authentic experiences. I’m turning 60 later this year so your wisdom arrived shortly before mine. đŸ™‚

    • yes, the magic begins at 60! Will I see you on/around your b’day? I’ll be in your neighborhood end of May. xox

  3. So very true.

    The older I get the more I find that experiences matter. They slow down time which seems to be racing by faster and faster with each passing year.


  4. So true – I appreciate the small things much more now than ever – a really good cup of hot chocolate, couch snuggles with the cat, watching a favourite film on TCM, or discovering a book I had always wanted to read at the thrift store.

  5. I agree Patti….
    I tend not to mention my “day job” too often….it seems tedious and pretentious.
    Blogging (and following blogs) is much more fun!
    The little things make me happy…. like the rain stopping when I have to wait for a bus.
    Or my coffee having the perfect crema on the top.
    Or when you open a large orange and it is juicy and delicious.

  6. Love that graphic T. Wish your blog font was bigger, hard to read your posts on a mobile device.

  7. Here’s to the simple things. Love that new octopus t-shirt! Nobody does octopus better than you – in a good way.

  8. Lovely post. I just turned 50 and I can feel similar shift, which is very foreign yet comforting simultaneously.

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