Have A Happy, Calm Morning (Even During The Pandemic)

Have a happy, calm morning. Even though I’ve been blissfully retired for five years, mornings are still not my time to shine. Working for 40 years got my mind and body in a routine that included morning mania. At one point in my career, I had to be at my desk, a one-hour drive away, at 8AM.

Mornings can calm and lift us up or drain us. I used to get in my car for the long commute feeling tense throughout my body. Creating an intentional morning routine that calms us is the way to go. Even if our first sight is a gray hairball on the carpet.

“I am totally innocent. Check the DNA. I did chew this rug though”

Happy mornings start with simple routines the night before.

Most evenings I make a habit of “a bit of sweeping, a bit of wiping.”  I take ten minutes to wipe off the countertops and our desk areas, sweep around the litter box, and set out coffee cups and spoons. The more often I do it, the easier/more Zen it becomes.

Now to bed. Sleep on clean fresh sheets and tuck a sachet of Dr. Bronner’s Lavender Soap under the pillow. You deserve a fabulous mattress and bed covers too.

Even a simple white cotton bed topper feels luxurious.

Now it’s morning, and no alarm clock. I stretch slowly for a minute in bed and do a short meditation and/or recite a positive mantra. “It’s all about the love.” “I’m grateful for all that I am and all that I have.” “You got this.”

Here are some of the other elements of my peaceful morning, and I’d love to hear about yours in the comments:

Kiss your partner, if you’ve got one, and say something kind to him/her. “Glad you’re here” is sweet and to the point, or you can get poetic and swoon, like Tolkien.

I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone.” – J. R. R. Tolkien

Do a gratitude toast with your tea or coffee. I rotate among hazelnut, French vanilla, and chocolate macadamia coffees, no bad choices.

Add a plant cutting to your coffee spot.

“Coffee is always a good idea.”

Leave the television off, but play your favorite YouTube music (like this) or watch a short kitten video to make you smile. Here’s my current favorite; I call it “Knuckles The Cat”.

Take a dreamy shower or bath, with scented soap, oil, or lotion. I’m using Dr. Bronner’s peppermint liquid soap in the shower, and sometimes on my scalp. It smells like the good life, all minty and fresh.

“Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life.” – Mark Twain

How do you create your calm morning? Stay fabulous and safe, wash and wash and wash, xo

Listen to the professionals for all the latest news on the virus. Meanwhile, browse these treats:

Header image via source.

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  1. This is a very good morning routine. Like you I used to be at the office very early: half past 7 and an hours drive for 10 years, followed by half past 7 after 35 minutes drive. But now I am retired as well since April and I have no problems to sleep until 7 or 8 o’clock. Heaven. No alarm clock. I kiss my husband in the morning and tell him how much I love him. Have breakfast and a coffee. I might add your cat videos…. so cute.
    Stay safe.

  2. i have never, ever, been a “morning person” and now that I’m working from home, that hasn’t changed except I can sleep in a bit later since my commute has been shortened (bedroom to living room). I haven’t been able to drink coffee since my 20’s so I can’t rely on caffeine to wake me up. I do have Sylvester to look after though, and we have our morning routine. I love watching the TinyKittens videos too!

    • Hi Shelley and thanks for coming by! I remember you having a hot chocolate instead of a coffee when we met in Washington Square Park – a cool, lovely day. A beloved kitty makes every morning better. Stay safe and fabulous, xx.

  3. Your post feels so calm and such a blessing- peace to my soul:) Thanks for this lovely post! Please come link it for others to also benefit, over at my Fabulous Fridays post:) xx

    • Hello and Happy Friday, Lucy. Thanks for your kind words and stay safe and fab, xx.

  4. First, stretching exercises, so necessary to prevent leg and hip pains. Then make the bed; it brings me pleasure all day to see my smooth, serene bed. Then read the newspaper with coffee and toast with peanut butter. Then shower & makeup, and the day begins. Avoid the computer until later in the day. I recently lost my job due to Covid-19, and am experimenting to find a schedule that works well for me without the discipline of a job to go to.

    • Good morning, Carol and thanks for coming by! I love a smooth bed-top too, then kitties jump on it. Sorry you lost your job; I hope that part of your life improves soon. Enjoy the day and stay well, xx.

  5. Hello Patti
    From Lancashire UK. I’m not an early morning person and like to greet the day by reading a book for an hour tucked up in bed with either a cup of tea or hot water. Some days I write my journal, others I may do a crossword. There’s always a bit of daydreaming looking out over the green valley. Then I love a good hot shower with a beautifully scented soap bar. Then it’s porridge with berries and easing my way into the day ahead.
    Stay safe and well and thank you for an insight into your day
    Lynn xx

    • Hello Lynn. Your morning routine sounds lovely, especially the daydreaming! Enjoy hte day and stay safe, xo.

  6. Dear Patti,
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful advice such a Blessing. I particularly liked your Mantra site and the Ravel. I will add all your suggestions to my current morning routine which involves one of Jane Fonda’s exercise video on You tube quite fun and enjoyable as Jane is so encouraging and supportive.

    • Hello Joan and thanks so much for coming over with your kind words. Youtube has made exercise routines much easier to follow. Stay well, xo.

  7. My morning always involves a cup of coffee. Being a Seattle native, that is almost a given. I am working remotely so the morning starts out quiet but by afternoon, I am listening to music on shuffle. By 4pm, my work day has ended and I crash after concentrating on a tiny laptop screen for 8 hours.

    • Sounds like a peaceful routine (except for the work demands!). Listening on shuffle is so great, I love getting surprised. Have a great day, xo

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