Dressed With One Hand: Visible Monday

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As you probably know, I took a hard fall on the bathroom tile this week. My wrist needed extensive surgery and now I’ve got monster pins – aka External fixators – sticking out of my forearm. In addition to showering, putting on lipstick, brushing my teeth, and making the bed,  getting dressed with one hand is truly a challenge. So this week, I am only able to show you either my current sweat pants or this casual outfit I snapped before the big to-do.

Welcome to Visible Monday. If you want to participate, it’s so easy: just go to the bottom of this post for the how-to. Link back to Not Dead Yet Style if you like – we’re on Easy Does It “rules” now!

I think this whole outfit is thrifted. The blue blouse, with a flyaway back (sim), was picked up at Revolve in St. Petersburg. The white linen trousers (sim) from Molly Mutt are my new summer favorites. They are so light and easy to wear with any top in my closet. It’s not a high-style look, but great for a simple summer go-out-to-lunch day.


It wasn’t intentional, but I seem to be admiring my two healthy wrists in this picture. Those were the days, my friends.


Now, let’s see what’s in your closet, Visible Women.

The guidelines to participate in the Visible Monday Link-Up are so simple:

    1. Whoever wants to can join in! Just compose a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day.
    2. Go to the bottom of this post and click on the InLinkz button “Add Your Link”. It should open a new page.
    3. In the “Next Step”, you crop the pic (easy tool) you want to display, and you’re done!
    4. Visit a few other bloggers, to make new friends and increase your own following.


Oh hey! Not Dead Yet Style is on Instagram! Please check it out when you have a moment: Instagram.

Stay fabulous,

P.S. Because of my cast, it’s pretty challenging to type. Please forgive me for not responding to all your lovely comments. I do appreciate each one of them, and you too.

Here are some pieces you can enjoy whether or not you’re in a cast:

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  1. Take care Patti , wishing you a speedy recovery. Thank you for hosting Visible Monday, a valiant effort under the circumstances. Your Summery outfit is lovely and those perfect wrists will be a matching pair again soon.

  2. Well, at least you can keep singing – although there really is no consolation here. Your wrists in that photo are stunning! They will be back. I hope the pain is bearable. Thanks for the linkup again, Patti, despite this turn of events. And I love your silk IG arm wrap.

  3. Patti – thank you so much for continuing to host Visible Monday regardless of your injury. Heal well and quickly x

  4. I am so sorry about your fall and your injury Patti! I’m thinking of your and hoping for a speedy recovery. Life does turn on a dime and we never know what’s next. Thank you for hosting, though I’m sure it wasn’t easy this week. Sending love!

  5. Sorry to hear about your fall, Patti. Hope you aren’t in too much pain.Take care of yourself. I’m hoping to link up for the first time soon. xxx

  6. I’m so sorry to hear about your wrist!!! I wish you a smooth recovery & hope the pain is manageable…

    Thanks for keeping the link up going, but please make sure to take care of yourself first…

  7. Such a lovely response from all your followers Patti and I too wish you well. Like Greetje I will say please don’t cause yourself more pain by typing away in response. Thank you for the link up party – such a great effort on your part sweetie x

  8. Oh, no! What an unpleasant accident. I hope your recuperation will be as smooth as possible. Let me recommend audiobooks as an easy-on-the-hands way to occupy your time while you recover. All best wishes for quick healing!

  9. omg Patti. I luv your before photo. How are you doing? What a scary thing to have happen. Take care meanwhile and have as many cat naps as needed.

  10. Oh No !!! I hope your wrist heals well. Maybe you will learn some new ways of doing things with only one hand – let’s hope it doesn’t last too long

  11. I’m so sorry to hear about your wrist, it’s amazing how much we take for granted, like opening a tylenol bottle! I wish you a speedy recovery Patti. Despite your injury you look fabulous!!


  12. Goodness sakes! If this was a novel this photo would be called foreshadowing! I sure hope your adaptability index can keep up and that the pain is subsiding. I’m thinkin’ you’ll get alot of wear out of any or all of your pull on pant for the next 6 weeks! Sending healing thoughts and good karma!

  13. You poor poor thing. Such an ordeal to do everything with just one hand. I hope you haven’t got too much pain anymore. (I am sure you had pain.)
    You look lovely in your blue top with two healthy wrists. I am going to participate in the link-up. Don’t bother to thank me on my blog. That will save some time/pain etc. Love you.

  14. I love that you’re admiring your perfect, unbroken wrists here. Hopefully it won’t be too long till you’re able to do that again. xxx

  15. I’m so sorry to hear about your wrist Patti, and even typing with one hand besides everything else you have to do with only one hand! It slows you down and makes everything more difficult.

    I’m a big fan of thrifting and your outfit is lovely! Cute pose!

    Praying for a speedy recovery and thanks for hosting!


  16. Sorry to hear about your wrist Patti! Hope you recover ahead of schedule. Loving your pretty blouse and lightweight trousers.

  17. It’s such a lovely photo of you, Patti! White and blue, and healthy wrists – yay! I’m wishing you a speedy recovery, my dear! Lots of love! Thank you so much for the link-up, I’ll join soon.

  18. Ha! I love how you are admiring your perfect wrists there. Oh how we love to appreciate what we have when we don’t have it.

    Thinking of you my friend.


  19. First off, I wish I lived close by so I could deliver some of my yummy homemade meals to you or just show up to brush your hair or something. I have been thinking of you every day and hope the pain isn’t too bad. Makes you appreciate the gift of health, right?
    Now for the fun (before the fall) outfit. I love this casual vibe and would seriously be wearing this a few times a week. On a whim the first of June I purchased some orange sliders, and let’s just say it was a great whim!

  20. I hope you will heal much faster than expected, Patti! I know it’s a bummer and adjustment. Thanks for keeping the link up going…get some rest this week!

  21. Oh dear! That’s a painful situation. Do the pins go out in a few weeks,? I hope you’re be able to do your normal routine real quick.

  22. I can’t tell if your sandals are red or orange. Either way, I love the contrast with the orange and blue and the strong dose of white. I read about your wrist and hope you aren’t in to much pain.

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