Blogger Meet-Up With A Most Delightful Woman

What a pleasure to meet up with Anne Bray, author of Spy Girl, and numerous other must-see blogs (The Glutton’s Progress, for example). As a stop on her On The Edge journey around the country
— support it by buying some art here — Anne graced me with a visit to my little beach town.

She drove up in her Prius (I knew she would be an environmentally conscious woman), wearing a huge smile and fetching cotton shift dress. She looks even younger and fresher in person than on her blog (and we are both in our late 50’s, go us).

We had such a good time, sipping and nibbling and getting to know each other.
The very next day, Anne saw a woman in sequined zebra shorts at a Starbucks, and sketched her.
We had no such artistic luck at our coffee house, but enjoyed all the views nonetheless.

In our brief visit we covered: family, cancer, travel, food, blogging, New York City (Anne used to Live There!), husbands, work, and music. And more. Anne is delightful, warm, super-smart and a great laugh-er.I hope to visit her in California soon, and continue the journey.

Visible Monday is on its “off” week this week, so we can recharge, refresh, and laugh out loud. ☺  We’ll be back on Monday, April 21st (actually, the Sunday evening

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  1. Being Dutch and blogging in English, means: having a lot of American readers (bloggers). Not much change of meeting them. Alas. As it is so much fun meeting each other.
    PS Ann is a fantastic artist. I love her drawings.

  2. Anne seems like she would be so much fun to hang out with – I'm glad you two got to meet.

  3. I have dreamed of just such reunions with people like you! How fun and almost surreal!

  4. I'm back again – I was interrupted in commenting the first time around… Wouldn't I love to have been sitting at that table with you. Both of you being such strong women, I can imagine the conversation was enthralling or just full of laughs, probably both.

  5. Two wonderful and beautiful women, just look at those genuine smiles the two of you are sharing with us. Love this! This alone is what makes blogging so rewarding. Just a few nights ago I was able to meet up with Jan, and what a wonderful evening we had. I'm definitely going to add your neck of woods to my travel agenda.

  6. How exciting to meet the talented and beautiful blogger Anne! The two of you look like you're having a great time together. Love your headwear, Patti!

  7. Can I just say how adorable you both look? Patti, I love your hair scarf – I like pulling mine back. It makes my curly hair manageable and I love the ties on top how you wear yours. May have to give that a go!! And Anne, your dress is adorable!! I'm a huge fan of shift dresses! So chic!! Looking forward to meeting more bloggers over time!
    xo ~kim & chloe

  8. I'd love to return to Crete some day, and have a chance to meet.

  9. How lovely to meet up with Anne, and that is a great photo of the two of you. I've got a blogger meet-up planned for next month here in Sheffield – can't wait! xxx

  10. I recently discovered Anne and I'm so glad I did. You guys are too far to meet in person but I'm glad I met you via blogging anyway.

  11. I love seeing bloggers meet, what a lovely photo of the two of you! x

  12. What a great picture, and it's so fun to follow Anne's adventures! I hope to meet her when she gets over to the Left Coast again.

  13. Oh. I forgot to mention how cute you look with the kerchief in your hair!

  14. Isn't she nice? And so super talented. I had fun meeting with her in San Diego at the start of her trip. Looks like she's holding up well. What an adventure!

  15. It's always such fun to meet a fellow blogger in "real life." So glad you all had this opportunity.

  16. Two of my fave ladies hanging out – love it! Wish I could've been there with you.

  17. You both look like you are having a lovely time catching up in person.

  18. Sounds and looks like you had a great time. Meeting fellow bloggers is such an amazing thing….xo happy week-end, C. (HHL)

  19. She talked about that conference, and how happy she was to meet you, Pam!

  20. I first met Anne three years back at a blogging conference. She is super sweet! I am certain you both had a lovely time….two fun ladies together!

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