Most of us live cyclical lives of work, rest, play, repeat. The “work” could mean an office job, running a company, writing, taking care of kids, volunteering – it’s all good and gives our lives structure. We need a few simple luxuries, too, to lift us from the daily routine, to spark happiness, and joie de vivre. You already have some of these simple luxuries in mind, right?
Here are a few suggestions from my house, and I would love to hear yours:
1. Great coffee in the morning. Life is too short for bad coffee (or tea). Get a brand/flavor you love, add a teaspoon of whipped cream, and really enjoy it. Try not to gulp on your way out the door, but sit for a minute with a favorite book, or blog, or music.
2. Nice house-only clothes. My boy-shorts and “Notorious RBG (Ruth Bader Ginsberg)” tee are cool and comfortable. But I feel luxurious in a linen oversized shirt or silky PJ pants, or colorful slippers.
3. A lovely wine in the evening. Near the end of the day we delight in a good Merlot, or a Bailey’s, and talk about the day. If we don’t feel like talking, we sip and watch a favorite movie or TV show. Current favorite: Breaking Bad (I know, I am five years late!). I limit myself to one alcoholic beverage per day, and my doctor has approved. If you don’t drink alcohol, have a tasty juice cocktail.
4. Lipstick. A bright usually orange-red lipstick makes me feel rich (hee!), pulled together and confident. So simple, a piece of colored wax and my mood is lifted. I usually choose drugstore brands but have been known to splurge. Good news: even the most expensive lipstick is less costly than a pair of Spanx. And what makes you happier? : >
5. A favorite piece of jewelry. It doesn’t have to be a real diamond, or real gold, just special to you. An inherited piece, or one you found at a thrift store in Greenwich Village. I have a couple of vintage brooches and bracelets that are posh to me, no matter their low cost.
6. New towels. Don’t laugh! We just got a new set of towels and they are so fluffy and fresh. We use hand towels ten times a day or so, so why not make them luxurious?
Stay fabulous, and enjoy some simple pleasures,

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Unfortunately, I can’t drink coffee, and wine very infrequently. New towels do feel like a luxury, as does a new lipstick (even though I have a pile of them, acquired in my ongoing search for that “perfect red”). You can’t wear nice “at home” clothes when you have pet rats because they will very quickly be full of holes 😉
Eva: En bursdag feiret akkurat pÃ¥ den mÃ¥ten jeg vil! Skulle det ha vært bedre, skulle det ha vært fint vær pÃ¥ dagen og at vi var helt friske, sÃ¥ vi kunne gÃ¥tt en tur først 🙂 Men ja, abtuolst en perfekt feiring i gÃ¥r 🙂
Towels have to be rough and scratchy! Fluffy ones set my teeth on edge.
I agree with everything else except Breaking Bad, I’ve still never seen it. xxx
This reminds me of a sentence I read years ago, don’t remember where: “on a bad day, there is always lipstick!”
Nice list. A great piece of special jewellery can bring back pleasant memories, and good coffee is one of the greates pleasures in life (along with good wine. And prosecco. And champagne).
Yes, I am obsessed with Walter White! xo
You’re probably right about the towels…and they aren’t that expensive to begin with! I think I’ll take your advice—thanks! jodie
Yes I know – when I was growing up, we kept towels for 20 years! xo
It is true that the small details that make up our life can make us happier.
I’m with you on the towels.
Breaking Bad is one of my all time favourite TV shows. Enjoy it.