Fall Style Wish List: Plaid, Funky And Fuzzy

Remember the secret to making a wish: you wish for more wishes. I’m not too greedy, I have only a handful of wishes for my Fall/Winter wardrobe.

When the cool weather finally comes to the south, I like to add a couple of new pieces. I am not a trend-follower (and never a trend-setter, unless you count the ugly pants). If something is trendy and I love it anyway (like fringe), I will go for it. And wear it long after the trend disappears.

I occasionally shop retail for my seasonal add-ons, because the selection is good. I’ll also be shopping the thrifts, consignments stores, and eBay, to save some $$ and to recycle.

Here are my wishes this year:

1. A plaid blanket scarf, wrap, poncho, or cloak. This will be a perfect topper in mild winter. The traditional red plaids attract me most, and these will go well over all my tees and jeans and boots.

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Blanket scarf and wrap, in colorful plaids. Left, right.

2. Doc Martens or other sturdy oxfords/booties, in a bold print. I started loving personality shoes about four years ago, when I began blogging – coincidence?

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I like shoes with personality. Left, right.

3. Japanese style wrap trousers. I wrote last week about my recent obsession with Japanese minimalist clothing. These trousers are by American designer Eileen Fisher, but they reflect the aesthetic. I’d pair them with a personality oxford or bootie.


I am currently obsessed with this look (except the shoes): the Japanese minimalist style.

4. A faux fur/suede/shearling vest. I don’t know what’s taking me so long to decide – I’ve wanted one for a year. Which is your favorite?

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I gotta get one into my life. From upper left: patchwork vest; black gilet; faux shearling vest; funnel collar ivory vest.

Stay fabulous,

Browse the look:

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  1. You are lucky to live in a place that doesn’t get really cold – we have just had our first significant snowfall, and it was a challenge to figure out what to wear. I love those wrap pants, and “personality” boots. I bought a big shawl/wrap on sale in the summer and it has been the best thing to layer over a light coat. I like the black furry vest, but one of the lighter coloured ones may work better with the colours in your wardrobe.

  2. Oh sad – you can ask Santa for some new ones. I love that rugged look mixed with a full skirt. xox

  3. When I see this I’m sad I gave away my Dr. Martens about 10 years ago. They are fabulous boots. The red ones you’ve featured really catch my eye.


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