Would Ya? Faux Fur and A Visible Monday Reminder

Would ya? Wear a faux fur vest with a wide collar and make it your statement of the day? I love this one, and only hope/wish for a few days below 80 degrees, so I can wear it  : >




And it’s time for another Visible Monday.

Visible Monday, one of the oldest style link-ups on the nets, is back and better than ever. All ages, all genders are welcome to post an outfit, accessory, lipstick color, hairstyle, etc., that expresses our Joy of Being Visible. Please join the fun!

There may be fruitcake.

The party starts Sunday (tomorrow) at around 5PM. Be there for the best blogger party and the finest style on the webz!



Stay fabulous,


Browse some holiday party frocks:

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  1. I love faux fur vests or gilets! I wouldn’t wear one that was all fur as they’d make me look like a bear, but I have a brown and a black suede ones trimmed with faux fur which I love. 80 degrees? It’s fecking freezing here at 7 degrees!

    Can I have some fruitcake, please?

    Happy Monday, Patti!


  2. Love me some faux fur – and it definitely gets cold enough here to wear them for quite a while! xxx

    • Yes you hardy Brits are having cold days. I know because I watched “The Last Kingdom” about the Viking invasions : > xox

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